This is not very good salesmanship, but if you have the money spring for the Swaro. The Leica is a fine tool and will range reflective objects out to and a little past 1200 yds in the right conditions. The Swaro will do it in bright sunlight. The Leica has a much better aiming reticle. That donut in the Swaro is just too big.
With all that said, the reason I switched to the Swaro was b/c the Leica was only ranging pd mounds out to 700 yds for us in "pd weather." The Swaro would go beyond 1000yd under the same conditions. If your just big game hunting, you will never want for more that the Leica or be dissapointed in it. For those idiots like me who think you have to shoot @ beer can sized targets over 1/2 mile away, the Swaro is the only way to go.