Federal 215 vs cci 250

has anybody messed with these two primers and seen which one performed better in es and accuracy thanks everybody
I use the cci-250 LRM up here and like them the best of all others I have tried, we hunt alot during the winter up here for boos and wolves in temps down to -40 and some times colder and I have never had any trouble when useing them
I test with all brands available. There is always a clear winner….however, in an off the shelf hunting rifle that is not tuned, it may make little to no difference, trying doesn't hurt though.

I agree with MagnumManiac in regards to off the shelf hunting rifles. Even Winchester primers are good. Can not say that about Remington primers as I have had some hiccups with them in my hunting loads. When I am fire forming or testing loads I will use Winchester. Once I find a recipe worth pursuing, I will switch to Federals/CCI.
In Both my 270 Weatherby Mag and My 300 Weatherby Mag I have only ever used Fed 215 Mag Primers,. because I read way back when I was very young, That that's what Weatherby actually used. I have never had any issue using them . No complaints at all!!!
ive hearf people using the 210 with better results but wasnt sure i could ise them with a 28 shermen mag but using them for a 338 sure work for this rifle
At 200 yards with 338LM.


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That is truly excellent shooting !!! You must be very pleased with your ability and your equipment!!!
Like I said my ability aint all that, but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then! As far as my rifle it's just an old savage 110 FCP but has a Bartlein tube 28 inch 1 in 9.3 twist
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