Fall Baiting


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I will be putting out my bait again here in a little less than a month. I have aquired a few new tricks to try like some better scent etc.. I am wondering what kind of luck those of you who bait spring and fall in the same spot have in the fall. are the bears harder or easier to get to come in? What differences do you see between spring and fall baiting? It has been very dry here so the grasses and wild berries are probably not a great food source this year. I dont have a tag but I am hoping to get some bears in and hopefully learn more about baiting them and hopefully get my dad or sister a bear.
Bears are never far from their stomach. What do bears feed on in your area, is it seasonal. Check with the biologist, I've never chased bears in the habitat you guys are in, but where their principle food is in the time I was hunting is where I'd try to be. I saw a bit on the Yellowstone bears in the high country, mostly grizzly but black bear, as well. In August the bear were up high digging up moths for probably 20,000 calories a day with good fat content. What season dates are you working with?
If food is scarce they'll be traveling. If a food source is found they will live on it if it's enough, or check back if it's replenished on schedule. The best habitat is occupied by dominant boars. Take out the king, and the contenders and pretenders move in. I'd re-bait your original site and see what happens. If it's getting hit keep it stocked as much as you can, and double down the latter part of August to hunt September. Fat content counts more in fall as they try to get ready for dens. In the fall I put out feed for the deer and turkeys. While they will eat all of it the, black oil sunflower seeds go first. They'll dig the brush out trying to get to it even if something else is in easier reach. I'll double check the bag but it's like 35% fat. If I'm remembering right meat products are out for you Wyoming guys. Can a guy have more than 1 site in the designated area?
We can use meat, just not wild game, fish, etc. For example, we're legal to use jackrabbits since they're labeled as predators.. but I haven't had any luck with them. Also, we can only have one bait in per section.
Anyway you look at it you guys are doing great. Confidence comes with time in, and I'm betting you'll make it work. They don't seem to care for dog either. Our biggest bear pushed past meat scraps, ding dongs, fruit etc for a green tomato go figure. Fat is better than meat in my experience if you have access to it cheap. Bear fat especially gets them serious, but there's that whole legal thing. September 1 until quota, date, or both?
either quote or date, which ever comes first. I am pretty excited to see how the fall differs from spring and see what is in the area...while at the same time giving the bears a fond memory of food by that tree in the blue barrel
Holy Crap they give you a long time before the season to bait in Wyoming. Wish we had that here in Maine...all we got is 30 days prior to season. So July 27 is first day of baiting, which is in 2 days! :D
In my area here in canada, I hit the bakery and get a garbage bag full of old bread/cookies, whatever they have ($5 for massive black bag full). Then I hit the Fast food places to get old frier grease (free). Then I go to the Milling Store and get 100lbs of oats ($10). And then I mix it together in a barrel. Add a honey burn to it and they go nuts.

I have also heard of taking a barrel half full of sugar/water/corn/oats/ and puttign it over a fire till she is cooking good. Once most of the water burns off you have a nice hard sticky mess. Kind of like a massive sweet lollypop!!! I Have never tried this one!

I find spring is easier here because there is less for them to naturally feed on.

Hope this helps.
For a simple bait try popcorn with a gallon of syurp. Easy and light to haul around. Hang a chicken in a plastic bag and poke some holes in the bag for a good stink bait. We had 14 different bears come to our bait this spring using popcorn and a dead chicken in a bag. This fall it is going to be a 500 A-Square shooting 250 grain bullets 130 grains of powder 3350-3500 fps. Ross
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