Exterior Painting - Whiteface Hornets PITA


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Easy way to remove that I have been doing over the years. No muss no fuss and best of all no stings! They were in a light fixture along edge of garage so could not get close to paint trim at all. I waited to night, dropped 5-6 moth balls into a gallon ziplock, pulled up over bottom of fixture and then sealed with a bungee. In couple hours all dead dropped into bottom of bag. Remove bag, zip close and toss into trash!
muddy, any ideas on getting rid of and keeping mud wasps of house so i can paint.

PS, hope no more bad weather for you. Have hgad heavy rain here for last 14 out of 17 days. Might trade my truck for a boat.
Rain finally let up too. No severe weather in forecast. Mud wasp are real PITA and don't have any great ideas on how to get rid of them. I filled my boat's tank just in case😂🤣