Does this make me a .358 loony ?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2004
Do I qualify for the 358 caliber loony bin ?

I have one of them too in an old M700, 20" paper thin barrel and old synthetic stock. A guy had it built for bears in Alaska
It really thumps with the 225 Partition….
I have one in a rem model seven cdl deluxe...I love the little guy...225 sierras and benchmark is all I have used...
I have an M600 and an original M700 BDL in 350RM. I love the cartridge!

I luckily have enough brass currently that I haven't had to form any, but have thought about the need to get setup for it in the future.
I really like the. 358 winchester. My stepfather gave me a pre 64 model 70 in 358 winchester when I was 15 years old. My friends and I would load up our packs and walk through town with our rifles and spend a week in the woods. We never were contacted by law enforcement because it was a legal activity. Unlike today. When law enforcement, enforces feelings instead of the law. Thanks for the post, it brings back many happy memories.
I really like the. 358 winchester. My stepfather gave me a pre 64 model 70 in 358 winchester when I was 15 years old. My friends and I would load up our packs and walk through town with our rifles and spend a week in the woods. We never were contacted by law enforcement because it was a legal activity. Unlike today. When law enforcement, enforces feelings instead of the law. Thanks for the post, it brings back many happy memories.
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