Do you guys reload by weight or by volume?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Pressing question? Load by weight or volume? Which is better? Have been loading by weight for the past 3 yrs. Is there a benefit for reloading by volume? I load for .223 and .243 mainly now but also would like to work up some loads for 25-06 and 270. Which is better for an all around load, meaning for spring, fall and winter? :rolleyes:
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, there's a shortage of reloading data in cubic inches or cubic centimeters.

Which is a better "all around" anything is purely a matter of opinon. And we do have lots of opinions! :D
Volume is the more accurate method because of the variation in weight due to humidity. From a practical standpoint though, the powder has to want to be measured by volume. Said another way, spherical powders can be accurately metered. The others need to be weighed.
Don't you just take the case, pick a likely powder, and fill the case? What's this measurement stuff?

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

I reload by weight, but I live in a relatively constant humidity area, and load in a more or less temperature/humidity controlled room.
Volume is the more accurate method because of the variation in weight due to humidity. From a practical standpoint though, the powder has to want to be measured by volume. Said another way, spherical powders can be accurately metered. The others need to be weighed.

Not for LR work they can't without a ton of vertical!

Now even in SR BR they are weighing powder charges as they have found that they cannot control the variance.

No one shoots LR and LR comp w/o weighing powders and that is for any powder. That is unless you are satisified with "minute of rock" groups and a 6 footer at that.

If that really worked, the shooters would be doing it and they are not. Simple as that.

Never heard of any powder that you could. Just does not work.

Better question is which spherical powder does not and just how was that determined?

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