So if I'm tracking you correctly, instead of full length sizing you prefer to neck size and then when necessary replace your brass? If this is the case, about how many firings are you getting from your brass?
I'm in agreement with Bullet Bumper, and follow his route.
Once my cases are fully fireformed(via partial NS only with 3-4 firings), I measure & cull by H20 capacity. Within a couple firings it'll be time to bump ~30deg shoulders 1thou(higher angles = less often, if ever). My bump is with Redding body dies, or if chamber/die mismatch, I go to JLC Precision custom body dies. I partial NS using Wilson & nitrided bushings. Some of my Wilsons were blanks cut with my reamers.
I have never had to replace a piece of brass. With my loads, dies, chambers, & this sizing, it lasts forever. Given this, I don't lose any sleep keeping ~120 perfect cases per 1,000 measured, and further culling out ~20-30 from ~120 due to H20 capacity departures. I get 80 or so cases that match in capacity,, will always match, and they will not grow in loaded runout.
I also never need to re-trim(which is one reason my cases remain matching in capacity).
For those who think FL sizing is a shortcut; it's not always. Not in the long run.
Here I'm talkin about actual FL sizing(not body/bushing sizing) and not FL sizing with a custom die(which could be excellent). Just off the shelf FL dies, which lead to continual trimming.
These, I will never use.
And running extreme pressure loads?
Everything comes with a price, and I chose to stay away from this.
I know these loads work around other tough issues, and if I were a PB BR competitor, I'd go this route also.
But with larger cartridges the price returns more pain than gain.