desert tech 6.5 creedmoor


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2018
hello all, I recently came into a desert tech srs a1with a 6.5x47 barrel. I have since picked up another 26" 6.5x47 factory barrel, 22" .308 win factory barrel, and a 26" bartlein 6.5x47 barrel, with 1800+ rounds fired, that I had rechambered to 6.5 creedmoor. today I had been doing some 6.5x47 load work with the 108gr scenar and 123gr eld. when I finished I installed the 6.5 creed barrel to test some factory hornady ammo I bought. a box of 147gr eld match and a box of 143 eldx precision hunter. both shoot very well, but the 143gr eldx ammo is amazing! here is the 5 shot group @ 97yds verified from my Swarovski laserguide. she shoots a little right, but dang that factory ammo shoots in this barrel.


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