Day Pack or Fanny Pack?


Jul 17, 2003
What do you guy's take with you while going Deer Hunting?
This list is option's I thought of for who ever. Me being a dipstick I never take food or water, and I am alway's starving and thirsty, so then I am racing for the fast food joint.

First do you use a Fanny Pack or Back Pack?
Also state how long you are in the woods for?

#1 Bino's
#2 Rangefinder?
#3 Rope?
#4 knife?
#5 water bottle?
#6 call's " of course"
#7 ammo
#8 GPS?
#9 food?
#10 poncho"rain coat" in pack?
#11 compass?

If you have other option's please list them and leave out what is not important.

My dad lives on 3/4 of a section of mostly bush land along the pembina river in southern MB. This is where all my hunting takes place. I take items 1-7 , a small first aid/survival kit and frs radio. I am always less than 1 mile from home and hunting with 1 to 3 other people. My mom is usually at home with a radio and can help if needed. If I were further from a home base I would be ready to spend a night if lost or stormed in. GPS, compass, maps and food would be with me also.
I use a backpack. It has a slot for a water resevoir. Mine holds 70oz. I also take a filter and an extra water bottle. I take enough food to be comfortable for two days. I figure that enough food can be found that it would be needless to pack much more. I usually don't spend more than one day in the woods.

I carry all the Items listed as well as

-First aid kit
-2 extra knives, and sharpener
-.22 target pistol (for grouse or other small game)
-Bear Spray
-.357 if bear spray didn't work
-Flash Light and head lamp with lots of extra batteries
-Matches, lighter
-Tripod Shooting Rest

Also lots of extra socks, gloves, and layers of clothing.
I use a daypack. I carry essentials that are always in it, and add other things depending on the hunt.

Small First aid kit
Space Blanket (can be used as tarp, a dry place to sit, or as intended for warmth)
Zip-loc bag with TP (you never know when nature will call)
Stormproof matches in waterproof case
Small Disposable poncho
Petrified Power Bar (emergency rations)
Nylon rope
LED Flashlight
Wool Cap
Wool gloves

Options (depending on hunt, time of year etc.)
Waterproof Jacket, Pants
Extra Knife and Steel
Small Gerber Hatchet
Mosquito repelent
Game Bags
Ammo, Speed Loaders etc
Shooting sticks
Spotting scope and tripod
Water filter

As I have had to spend nights out away from camp, and with temperature variances, a backpack allows me to carry the stuff needed to get by and holds clothes as you shed and add layers.

I did not forget binoculars, but they are rarely in the pack and usually on my chest.
FWIW i think for day hunting you are all loading yourselves up with a bit too much gear!

mars/snickers bars
gerber (gun repairs and backup knife)
wear goretex (maybe take a thin fleece)
good boots
drink from burns(small flowing streams)(take a puri straw if your worried)
8 foot drag rope (for extracting deer)
map and compass(no batteries!)
milldot master (for long shots)(or range finder)

remember that you can manage without food for a couple of days if absoulutly nessacery as long as you have water.

most of this stuff will fit in your pockets or a small shoulder bag

I'm not saying don't take all your fancy gear but sit down and look at your list then look again and decide 'do you really need it?'

there is a lot to be said for traveling as light as possible.........

just my opinion having carried tons of gear to and from hunting trips and realising i never used 3/4s of it.


oh, here in the uk we don't have to worry about bears but if we did i think i'd shoot it with my rifle before i used a .357 revolver?

in my opinion pistols are only for fighting your way to a rifle............
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