County sheriff letter


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
After the long awaited atf jail time for my new first ever suppressor I am now waiting for the county sheriff to receive the letter that silencer central has mailed to them stating that this equipment will be in the county. They won't ship it until the sheriff receives this letter. Just curious if this letter is required by law? Do other companies do this if it is not required. Thanks
well as slow as SC is at mailing things out it could be a couple of weeks, when did they say they mailed it? if it was me and it has been long enough for him to receive it I would pay the gentlemen a visit at his office
Thanks everyone, from what I understood is they just wait for the delivery confirmation of the letter than they ship. The LEO doesn't need to respond. Thanks for the replys.
all they have to do is fax the approval letter to him and the fax machine will show the date and time it was delivered and that's their proof. but I bet SC will take their sweet time to do it. many people have complained about how long it takes to receive info from them or even Finger print cards up to 2 weeks. SC is not about customer service they are about only getting your money and then they do not care how long it takes. my friends took a month from the time SC got his paper form back from ATF and sent him the paper work to sign (and he did it same day and then to P.O.) till the can arrived was one month
After the long awaited atf jail time for my new first ever suppressor I am now waiting for the county sheriff to receive the letter that silencer central has mailed to them stating that this equipment will be in the county. They won't ship it until the sheriff receives this letter. Just curious if this letter is required by law? Do other companies do this if it is not required. Thanks
Never heard this. Bought my first 12 years ago and I'm in TX. Waiting on my second that I bought from Silencer Central and there wasn't any statement saying County Sheriff had to be informed, I'm in Harris County.
In the paper form4, the last couple pages say CLEO Copy at the bottom. Those can be mailed or dropped at the cleo's office. I mail them when I mail the forms, or just as we efile. No need to make customers wait even longer.
The notification to the CLEO of your residence is a part of the NFA process.
How they sign off on it varies by state. Here in Ohio, if there are no disqualifying issues, the CLEO must (by state law) sign his approval.
My first can, I gave the local Sheriff a physical copy.
The second was thru SC (before efile), and they sent notification to the State AG.