Collminating binoculars



I need to collminate (correct spelling?) my binoculars and was wondering if anybody has a good method for seeing the two different images. I know where the adjustment screws are and how to use them.
If you have found the 4 adjustments on each barrel you must have a verticle (telephone pole) and horizontal line (peak of a house roof) to Collimate them.
A collimater for the closer range is best and some camera and binocular shops have one.
If they are knocked out to badly, you may have to send them back to the factory.

You have to look in the one tube and set the hoizontal line (house roof) at the very bottom of the tube or view. Make sure the binocular is on the tripod so it doesen't move. look in the other barrel (tube) and see where it is alighned. If it is different then the other, you must make the adjustment on THAT tube to get it to have the horizontal line at the same place as the other tube.
Now when that is set, go to a verticle line such as a telephone pole. Set the pole in your view so it is at the very right hand side of the right tube and barely visable. Lock it at that point in the tripod. Now go to the left tube and make sure it is verticle at the very right side of that tube. If it's not, make the adjustment to align like the other side.
You may have to do this 2 or 3 times to each to align it perfectly.

This is the way the bigeyes in brackets are done and the binoculars are the same as long as you have 4 adjusters on each tube. A top, bottom, right and left.
Good luck

[ 05-20-2002: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
Mine are Oberwerk and the adjustments are more like that of traditional binos. I did figure it out.
The procedure for making the adjustments proved easy in comparison to looking at the two seperate images simultaneusly. The problem is that as soon as you start looking through the eye pieces the human brain starts to merge the two images. You see one image but get a headache. The other problem is that each eye piece has one adjustment screw which adjusts in a diagonal line. You have to get the two lines to intersect.
What I did was look at one star on a clear night then slowly put my hand in front of one eyepiece. This would distort the image in one side. Since the two images no longer look the same my brain seperates them out to where they really are, then I can make my adjustments. Works like magick. I got my binoculars fixed in about 2 minutes once I discovered this trick. These are 15 x 70 bino's and the images are razor sharp now.
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