Check my logic: minimally headspaced brass


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2010
Heart of TX
I picked up some new (non-belted) brass that the manufacturer says is at max shoulder length and therefore should be full-length sized before using. (It is long at the shoulder, which I suppose technically would be minimal headspace). From my comparator it sits just about the point where my other brass needs bumping, so it's not freakishly long.

If one has a Savage (ie easy to set headspace with barrel nut), any issues with just headspacing the barrel a tad long—snug against this minimally-headspaced brass and firing? (Yes—I get that one would then want to reset the headspace after going through the first re-sizing).

Not saying I won't go ahead and FL-size all the brass first, but wanted to use this situation as an example to learn.
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If this is belted brass, then the shoulder position really doesn't matter unless it negates the head space of said belt.
This is the only brass I know of that is sold as long brass.
I run A191 reamers for my 300WM rifles, it is shorter in the head to shoulder than SAAMI, only .010" over NEW brass dimensions, so if that brass is that much longer, it probably wouldn't fit my chamber without sizing it first. I might look into this.

No—not belted. This is factory second Nosler 6.5 PRC brass because it was drawn a tad long and therefore minimal headspacing out of the bag.

And being a barrel nut system, adjusting headspacing on the barrel takes only minutes. Just wanted to know if there was something potentially dangerous I was missing as long as barrel is headspaced a bit long to fit the brass.
(Is brass/chamber headspace matching the only consideration that needs to be made?)
If you are stating that we need to have a functional die on hand—yes. Already used on other (Hornady) brass.
I would leave the headspace alone unless you have the go and nogo gages and knowhow to set the headspace to tolerance I would resize until the bolt closes dosnt hurt to be a little tight better tight than excess if your capaplable of seting and checking with gages your ok either way
I would leave the headspace alone unless you have the go and nogo gages and knowhow to set the headspace to tolerance I would resize until the bolt closes dosnt hurt to be a little tight better tight than excess if your capaplable of seting and checking with gages your ok either way
Yes—I have the gauges so no problem reverting back.
Only problem i could see is if you set the headspace long is if your die will size down at the web enough to not get clickers after a couple reloadings on the brass
If your headspace is set at zero headspace and you reset it too give it more headspace I dont see a problem as long as you dont exceed the max allowed to keep from having excessive head space for that cartridge check with a gunsmith if you dont know my dad built some custom rifles where he used brand new brass to set the head space when seting it back on his lathe bottom line is dont create excessive headspace for your brass
Just wanted to know if there was something potentially dangerous I was missing as long as barrel is headspaced a bit long to fit the brass.
(Is brass/chamber headspace matching the only consideration that needs to be made?)
Head space is head space I gorget what the amont allowed is dont quote me but lets say 005 thousands from bottom too top if you go over 005 youve created excessice head space for that cartridge so find out what the number is or check the diff from your go and no go gages and go from there I like a tight headspace if you create exessive head space you will start loosing primer pockets blow the case head off damage bolt face etch the chamber etc be careful
If the O.P sets his gun up to 0 headspace on the guages and his brass is long like he says it is will the bolt close? Maybe maybe not but if it doesn't whats he to do if throw the brass in the garbage if the die won't size it or increase the headspace to fit the brass. Increasing the headspace to fit the brass will not hurt a thing as long as IT FITS THE BRASS without excessive headspace no matter what the guages say. Dies gotta work properly also like GL stated above.
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