I just annealed my 3x fired 308 Lapua brass with a Bench Source annealer. All signs (tempilaq, flame color changing) were correct and the maker of the Bench Source assures me that I am doing the annealing properly. For argument sake, assume that the brass is annealed properly (not over annealed).
At 100 yards, my un-annealed brass was giving me 3/8" groups. My annealed brass is giving me 3/4" groups. I went back to the un-annealed brass and shot a few groups, just now to see if the 3/4" groups were me or the brass. I got 3/8" groups so I'm assuming it is the brass.
The maker of the Bench Source unit recommended that I try different bushings to see if that brings the groups back down. Has anyone experienced this before and did a smaller or larger bushing work better?
At 100 yards, my un-annealed brass was giving me 3/8" groups. My annealed brass is giving me 3/4" groups. I went back to the un-annealed brass and shot a few groups, just now to see if the 3/4" groups were me or the brass. I got 3/8" groups so I'm assuming it is the brass.
The maker of the Bench Source unit recommended that I try different bushings to see if that brings the groups back down. Has anyone experienced this before and did a smaller or larger bushing work better?