Chamber Reamer Drawings - 12 Additions

ELR Researcher

Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009

I've added the following chamber reamer drawings to the "Information – Cartridges" page (all drawings courtesy of Mr. Dave Kiff at Pacific Tool and Gauge):

338-378 Weatherby
338 Edge
338 Excalibur
338 Lapua Magnum
338 SnipeTac
375 CheyTac
375 SnipeTac
408 CheyTac
416 Barrett
460 Steyr
510 DTC European

Enjoy and God Bless!
The 338 Excalibur and 338 Snipe Tac both state on the reamer prints "338 Edge". Do you have your links possibly set up incorrectly?


The document I received has 14 pages, the first being 338 Edge. To print an individaul page you need to select just that page in your print dialog.

I don't know how to split the file - I don't own Acrobat. If anyone has a proven approach, please advise and I'll split them up. When I try to copy the page and paste it into a Word doc I only get about 2 percent on the right edge.
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