Well-Known Member
so I recently purchased some twice fired Nosler 270 brass for a good price, 150 peices, Didn't bother to sort by weight in the beginning because the few that I did weigh were pretty close in weight. I counted out 30 peices, then full lenghth sized to 25-06, trimmed/deburred, primmer pocket uni.,flash hole debured. While checking the neck concentricty I put a few on the scale to verify weight before loading and noticed a large variance, about half the cases were averaging 177gns and the other half were averaging 199gns. I guess my question is, is this normal to see this large spred in weight? I double check the cases to make sure they were trimmed to the same lenghth deburred, F/L sized and also the scale. I dont remember seeing this when working with FC or WIN brass. I will say though that the neck tension on this Nosler brass is very consistent. What do you guys think??.....E