Case neck cleaning

I'm sure many guys on here know of this little trick but thought I would throw it out there anyway. I've never been happy with the way my tumbler with corn cob media cleans the case neck, it's just not aggressive enough to get the black carbon and discoloration off of the neck area. I always just used some brake cleaner on a rag and that still was not that effective. Last night I had the idea to try some 0000 steel wool on the necks before throwing them into the tumbler. Wow did it work good, and fast. The necks look better than brand new. It also worked good to get my sharpie marks off the case too.
If you are getting excessive carbon, could be the powder, or a low charge. I use an over sized bore brush sometimes. I don't feel variations while seating bullets. Ooops just saw the date of this thread ! I don't pay attention some times !
I take an over sized nylon bore brush and chuck it on a drill for the inside.
For the outside, if needed, I glued some green scrubbing pad to the inside of a cone (it was for cutting the top off stripped bolts and was worn out).

Take less than a second for each inside/out.