Can't find a Mule Deer!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
Nebraska for now...
Me and a friend of mine are hunting western Nebraska this year for the first time. We've put in the time...walked well over 30 miles in the hills....but cannot for the life of us find a mulie. My question is why are whitetails everywhere! I love whitetail. I'm from Arkansas and thats all there is so me and my frind would like a Mule deer something bad. We've hunting the Ponderosa, Peterson, and drove around quite of the Ft Robinson park area. All we've seen is whitetails. I guess what i'm asking is does any of the members here know where Mule deer would be hanging out. We can't find them to save our ***.....any help would be great. One guy told us we'd need to get in the hills....On top of the buttes were nothing but there isn't any truth in that.....Thanks again.
Never hunted Nebraska so this is just general info but this time of year can be boom or bust. They are in the rut right now so the bucks are where the does are and the bucks will travel miles a day to find does. They are probably holed up some where having a big ol party without ya!

Scot E.
The whitetail really are taking over alot of traditional muley only habitat. It's my belief that they're crouding/pushing the muleys out. If nothing else, it's competition for the same food sources.

Where I live, not too far from western Neb. you'll find muleys where you find tall and abundant sagebrush. Even here, the whitetails have been trying to take over the waterways and drainages. I believe they are coming in from northwest Nebraska/south west South Dakota.

Hope you find some muleys though, good luck.
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