bullet choice for a 7 mm


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2009
what would be my best bullet choice for a 7mm remington mag
the nosler accubond 160gr or the hornady162 gr sst
Is there a better choice?Why?
varmit and deer sized game out to 1000 yrds (and any where inbetween sometimes less than 100

After my experiences this past week I can say the 162 A-Max (from 200 yards to 1037). This was on buck and doe antelope.

I would also say the 169 Berger and or the 180 grain Berger.

IMO - The A-Max should be a little more frangible for varmints.
I thought the Amax was more for target shooting not hunting
How will it hold up at short ranges?
have allways shot the noslers (300 wsm, 300wim mag, 25-06)
with great results all around
What is the deal with the bergers Two guys I shoot with sometimes have tried them and could not get them to shoot t all (300 win mag) I dont know what or how they loaded them just they could not get a good group.
I have limited knowledge of this stuff thats why im asking you guys who knowI really like the bc on the AMAx but was affraid it would come apart at short ranges
BTW my boy shot his first deer with my 300 wsm last week 75 yrds dropped it dead.
I thought the Amax was more for target shooting not hunting
How will it hold up at short ranges?
have allways shot the noslers (300 wsm, 300wim mag, 25-06)
with great results all around
What is the deal with the bergers Two guys I shoot with sometimes have tried them and could not get them to shoot t all (300 win mag) I dont know what or how they loaded them just they could not get a good group.
I have limited knowledge of this stuff thats why im asking you guys who knowI really like the bc on the AMAx but was affraid it would come apart at short ranges
BTW my boy shot his first deer with my 300 wsm last week 75 yrds dropped it dead.

Hornady does or has recommended the A-Max for hunting big game (deer/antelope). I have used the the 140 .264 A-Max in the past with a 6.5-284 on Kansas buck with great success.
Some barrels like Bergers, while others do not. Some barrels like the A-max's, while others do not.
Nothing wrong with the Nosler AB's-Great bullets. The BC is just not as good as the bullets I am talking about. The minimum impact velocity for the Berger's and the AB's is 1800 fps.
In LR hunting you are looking for a bullet that will perform well on game and give you the least amount of wind drift.
Hornady does or has recommended the A-Max for hunting big game (deer/antelope). I have used the the 140 .264 A-Max in the past with a 6.5-284 on Kansas buck with great success.
Some barrels like Bergers, while others do not. Some barrels like the A-max's, while others do not.
Nothing wrong with the Nosler AB's-Great bullets. The BC is just not as good as the bullets I am talking about. The minimum impact velocity for the Berger's and the AB's is 1800 fps.
In LR hunting you are looking for a bullet that will perform well on game and give you the least amount of wind drift.

Good info Ernie!

If you want a bonded core bullet, the the AB is the logical choice.
great info ernie
Ill try the amax first
how will it perfrom on elk at long range or a bear short 75 yrds or so?
I have a 7mm mag and use a combination of 160 accubond on anything inside 300 yds and the 162 a-max or 168 berger on anything past 300 yds. I have the 160 accubonds in the magazine and swap to the a-max etc for the long shot.

I have shot red deer, fallow and tahr with the 162 a-max from 358 to 638 yds, all but one shot were complete pass throughs all but two were one shot kills (one of those was the shooters fault not the bullsts) most shots were DRT.

I would be reluctant to use an a-max on a bear at close range.

I haven't shot anything as big as an elk with the a-max (not too many in NZ) but take a look at BOTW to see what they are doing with the 168 berger on elk.

I sight in for the a-max and then see where the 160 accubonds hit, luckily for me they are essentialy the same point of impact.

I got the 168 bergers to shoot within 0.5 MOA first time, use the method desrcribed in this thread http://www.longrangehunting.com/for...accuracy-berger-vld-bullets-your-rifle-40204/
So far, with the bergers, I have taken one red deer at 594 yds, complete pass through, the animal dropped on the spot with a high shoulder shot, but did require a finisher as the bullet was a bit high and didn't penetrate the chest cavity.

Hope all this helps,

Thanks for the info
very interesting idea amax for long range and accubond for short wiht no change in your scope settings
will have to give that a try
what are you using for a load?
I am using federal brass, fed 215 primer ADI2217/H1000 73 grs, gives 3087 with the berger (26" barrel), Watch that load as I think my batch is a bit slower than usual.
About 72.5 gr gives 3067 with the 160 accubond.

If you are only going to use one proj, try the 160 accubond, reasonable BC, bonded core, accurate.

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