bedding and stiffening flimsy factory plastic stocks


Yup, its a *** but t'was more fun and confidence building than coming out from under the affects of a colonoscopy procedure.:D

I would say that the stock is now on par with the B&C carb stock that was put on my 270 AM then underwent a similar process to become a prototype stock for my idea of what a LRH stock should be shaped like for my use.

I find this kind of work relaxing, uplifting and therapeutic. Plus the cost savings is rewarding. The cost savings allow for purchase of bullets, powder, scopes etc. that can't be DIY'd.
Stiffening Factory stocks

One can drill from front to rear of the fore end and insert a 3/8 or 1/2 inch alluminum rod. Epoxy it in and have the basic rigidity you are lacking.

Or buy a aftermarket stock as stated before.

:confused:What about the barrel pressure point that I have read on here is needed??
Good point, this setup is very tempermental. It likes only one bullet,powder,primer combo and very unforgiveing if it aint just right! Been thinking of taking a couple inches off the barrel and recrowning to see if that helps?
For me the preasure point has ben a double edged sword. With a good quality sythetic stock or good laminant a preasure point can be benificial. With the tuperware stocks and most light wood stocks a preasure point tends to create more problems than it solves, temperature and humidity changes make a first round hit vary a lot more than just freefloating. Groups might be better with a preasure point once you reset zero but for a hunting rig it aint about groups its about where the first or second round go.
This rig bounced off the bipod too bad to see the hits and its only a 204 but after I moved the bipod studd back it is a whole lot easier to see the results through the scope.


Yup, its a *** but t'was more fun and confidence building than coming out from under the affects of a colonoscopy procedure.:D

I would say that the stock is now on par with the B&C carb stock that was put on my 270 AM then underwent a similar process to become a prototype stock for my idea of what a LRH stock should be shaped like for my use.

I find this kind of work relaxing, uplifting and therapeutic. Plus the cost savings is rewarding. The cost savings allow for purchase of bullets, powder, scopes etc. that can't be DIY'd.

Well, I've been told - in a nice way of course!:eek:

Roy, if you enjoyed doing the project, plus the therapy, what the hay good for you and go for it.:cool:
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