Barreled action rifle build


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
Ok, so after talks with a gunsmith I have came to the conclusion to put my own rifle together using a custom barreled action from one of various sources.

I plan to use a Manners EH-4 with BDL bottom metal mini chassis.

Caliber will be 6.5x284

Possible barreled action sources are-
Curtis Custom
North West Action Works
Patriot Valley Arms

As of now I believe I have decided to go with Patriot Valley. I like the Big Horn action a lot.

The reason I have Chosen this route is because I can. The smith will help with anything I need and serve as my FFL.

I’m just curious what you guys think of this idea. It won’t save me a ton of money and all I am really doing on my own is placing the action in a stock. If I run in to trouble I have a professional more than willing to help. I’m also curious which barreled action you guys would recommend.

I can and probably will post more details of the various action options later.

Thanks guys
I spoke with josh quite a bit at PVA. He is pleasant to speak with and is always helpful when I had questions. I thought he said there is a better price for buying a barreled action vs piecing it together but maybe not. I’ve had 2 HS stocks with alum blocks that had to have recoil lug bedded to keep consistency. My vote is to have your smith bed your rifle. It’s not much more money in the end. Obviously manners is of better quality.
Originally I was going to have the smith build a rifle from scratch but due to his lead time and a few other factors He thought it may be best for me to do some thing different.
I also expressed the desire to put it together myself. It was just something I wanted to do.

I have talked to Manners about the recoil lug on various actions and they seem to think some minor bedding will need to be done. That said I have talked about it with the smith and he says it is not a hard process and I will be able to do it. If I’m uncomfortable doing it he will take care of it for me.
Might want to consider a Remage build. I have built a couple of them, and it was pretty easy. I bought a brand new stainless Remington Action (you could get something better if you wanted to), bought a criterion barrel with a remington thread and a barrel nut, prechambered to my caliber (6.5 CM) and I borrowed go / no go gauges (you can also rent them. and a vice and savage barrel wrench and the whole assembly was less than 20 min. I installed the timney trigger that I caught on sale. Rifle shoot very well (1/2 to 3/4 MOA) without bedding the stock. I still need to do that, and expect that it will yield tighter groups. Very satisfying.
I think that is a very good option for you. Any of the four will give you a good quality barreled action. Installing the trigger, bottom metal and bolting it in a stock is easy. Bedding the stock/action takes a little time and patience, but you can do it. Watch some YouTube videos and take your time. Oh ya, don't forget a good release agent.
I would be hard pressed to buy any action other than pierce. I had him build me a carbon fiber and ti 6.5 this winter and whole rifle only 4 months and most of it was waiting on my manners stock. Added some weight with the thumbhole stock. Came in at 6lbs with scope ready to rock.
All my future build will be off that action. Gun is incredibly accurate and smooth. If I build a large caliber I will have lethal build it smaller stuff will have pierce do hands down. Both smiths have been amazing. I'm so glad it worked out cause after about five customs that I was not happy with in one way or another these two are exactly what you should get when you pay that much for a rifle.
I would be hard pressed to buy any action other than pierce. I had him build me a carbon fiber and ti 6.5 this winter and whole rifle only 4 months and most of it was waiting on my manners stock. Added some weight with the thumbhole stock. Came in at 6lbs with scope ready to rock.
All my future build will be off that action. Gun is incredibly accurate and smooth. If I build a large caliber I will have lethal build it smaller stuff will have pierce do hands down. Both smiths have been amazing. I'm so glad it worked out cause after about five customs that I was not happy with in one way or another these two are exactly what you should get when you pay that much for a rifle.

I’m new to all of this who is Pierce / lethal actions? I’m headed to the Gun Smith sometime next week to place my orders. I’m having everything shipped to him for his inspection and final opinion.
I’m new to all of this who is Pierce / lethal actions? I’m headed to the Gun Smith sometime next week to place my orders. I’m having everything shipped to him for his inspection and final opinion.

Pierce engineering make custom actions. They also build rifles and are very easy to work with and stay in constant communication with you. Lethal is a gunsmith run by Mitch Fitzpatrick who won the king of two mile last year. He just did two .338 lapua improved rifles for me and they were great. He also uses pierce action.
Thanks a lot feenix. I had to click the pierce link and see the 300 win mag for sale. That's very close to my 6.5 build same stock. If it was the same paint I would have to buy it. I still may.
I'm a bit skeptical of having you watch YouTube and then bedding your stock. I've seen some of those deals go wrong. There are probably many good YouTube videos on bedding a stock but also some that are not so good. With the components you're purchasing it would be a shame to ruin the project with a messed up bedding job. If I were you, I would invest in an instructional DVD produced by a reputable gunsmith. After studying the DVD, gather the materials and tools needed. Next dig out an inexpensive rifle out of the gun safe and bed it. Maybe do 2 or 3 before tackling your new custom build. It's not rocket science, but it does require knowledge, practice, and a bit of skill to complete a great bedding job. Good luck with your project. Doing the work yourself is very satisfying!
I'm a bit skeptical of having you watch YouTube and then bedding your stock. I've seen some of those deals go wrong. There are probably many good YouTube videos on bedding a stock but also some that are not so good. With the components you're purchasing it would be a shame to ruin the project with a messed up bedding job. If I were you, I would invest in an instructional DVD produced by a reputable gunsmith. After studying the DVD, gather the materials and tools needed. Next dig out an inexpensive rifle out of the gun safe and bed it. Maybe do 2 or 3 before tackling your new custom build. It's not rocket science, but it does require knowledge, practice, and a bit of skill to complete a great bedding job. Good luck with your project. Doing the work yourself is very satisfying!

I agree 100% I do not want to make a $3000 mistake. I’m going to study a lot and “practice” on a rifle I have that I plan to restock anyways. I actually have 2 in my safe that I plan to restock so I figure they will make for great practice. I’m also going to bed my new build at my Gun Smiths shop. He has been really great wanting to spread his knowledge and share a love of firearms with someone new.
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