I have 3 apps StrelokPro Lapua and advanced ballistic. All three say up 4 clicks for the shot. But the shot needs to be 8 clicks up? 1/8 MOA scope. Now this is only at 150 yards what will happen at longer range? What am I missing?
I have 3 apps StrelokPro Lapua and advanced ballistic. All three say up 4 clicks for the shot. But the shot needs to be 8 clicks up? 1/8 MOA scope. Now this is only at 150 yards what will happen at longer range? What am I missing?
StrelokPro lets you true up your moa/mil value for click. So actually "clicks" is what you want to get used to checking because sooner or later you might have to adjust how much MOA/MILS a click moves your scope and if you forget and look at mao/mils your going to blow it.Stop working with clicks and focus on moa.
It's too easy to get confused with clicks.
Dial 47 clicks and not loose count or get mixed up. Or dial 11.75 Moa. Or 5.87 with 1/8th scopes. Run what ya like just know your gearStrelokPro lets you true up your moa/mil value for click. So actually "clicks" is what you want to get used to checking because sooner or later you might have to adjust how much MOA/MILS a click moves your scope and if you forget and look at mao/mils your going to blow it.
Your Apps are probably using 4 clicks per inch while your scope is calibrated to 8 clicks. All is well, just double what your apps say and you will be golden.I have 3 apps StrelokPro Lapua and advanced ballistic. All three say up 4 clicks for the shot. But the shot needs to be 8 clicks up? 1/8 MOA scope. Now this is only at 150 yards what will happen at longer range? What am I missing?
Thanks that's what we did I just don't understand why it won't accept 1/8 clicks when that is what I inputted and under the gun profile it says.125 per click which is 1/8.Your Apps are probably using 4 clicks per inch while your scope is calibrated to 8 clicks. All is well, just double what your apps say and you will be golden.
You are running in circles and hard to follow. So you have a 1/8 moa per click scope and the app says .125 moa/click, is that correct? If that is so then this is not the issue. So next, your solutions are coming up 4 clicks low? If you are constantly 4 clicks low then recheck the validity of your ZERO and check you have the right scope height in inches. Are you confident in your MV and are you updating temperature and barometric preasure?Yes it is 1/8 clicks scope and all the apps are set up at .125 per click. The 3 different ranges she shot at were 4 clicks more than any of the apps called for? Switched the settings to.250 per click still comes up wrong? She dialed on her own and made this shot at 169 yards. But still don't understand what we are doing wrong with the apps?
Thanks that's what we did I just don't understand why it won't accept 1/8 clicks when that is what I inputted and under the gun profile it says.125 per click which is 1/8.
Yes 1/8 MOA scope and yes app is saying.125 so it should be correct. But she needs to dial up 8 clicks when the app called for 4.You are running in circles and hard to follow. So you have a 1/8 moa per click scope and the app says .125 moa/click, is that correct? If that is so then this is not the issue. So next, your solutions are coming up 4 clicks low? If you are constantly 4 clicks low then recheck the validity of your ZERO and check you have the right scope height in inches. Are you confident in your MV and are you updating temperature and barometric preasure?
She is shooting 6BR 105 gn scenars. Was using Lapua factory ammunition 105 gn Scenars.Was using factory mv. Only has 50 rounds down the tube as is a new gun. Haven't put the chronograph on it yet. I guess we need to go back to the beginning and reconfirm zero and put the chronograph on it. Just don't understand why all 3 apps say 4 clicks lower than what is needed for the shot? I didn't understand why it would have to have a full MOA at such close range either? We are both very new to this so I apologize for our confusionwhat cartridge are you shooting that is requiring a full MOA at 150 yards? I'd bet your zero is off.