Ar newb!

okie man

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2013
Ok, so I'm slow to change. I'm a long time bolt gun guy. Hunting , shooting , I've mostly had single shot or bolt guns. I have the opportunity to build myself a ar15 for target shooting and coyote hunting. Any companies or products to consider or avoid? I'll be milling my own receiver and then assembling the rest from parts or kits. Thanks.
I was told the three best places to spend your money are in the barrel bolt and trigger. When I built mine 2 years ago I spent about $150 on a giessele trigger, $125ish on a black rain ordinance BCG and $300 on a 16" ranger contour 1-8 twist 5.56 Wilson combat barrel. Everything else I bought was basically good enough to not break but it sure wasn't fancy. That rifle shoots my favorite coyote load with a 40gr v max .75MOA at 3490fps. It'll shoot the Barnes vortx 70gr tsx factory ammo into sub .5 MOA.
I you do a bunch of research you will find there are just a few factories that make the vast majority of upper and lower frame blanks. Different companies do finish them but since you are going to do a 80% the milling will be on you. I say this because people get hung up on brand name. I had a person talk about how cheap and bad the Anderson lowers that I am running are and his brand which I can't remember at this time which one, was much superior in metallurgy and so forth. Did the research and they both were made by the same foundry. Only difference was the name and about $100 for his. Be sure and know all the regs dealing with 80% stuff, both fed and local. As has been said put your money in the barrel, bolt and trigger. Next up is what caliber you will choose. There are many more than 223/5.56 . Take a good look at the 6.5 Grendel. If going with 223 decide which bullet weight range you will shoot most and get the right twist barrel for it. Only company I personally would encourage you to stay away from in my experience with them is Bear Creak Arsenal. Have fun.
Ok, so I'm slow to change. I'm a long time bolt gun guy. Hunting , shooting , I've mostly had single shot or bolt guns. I have the opportunity to build myself a ar15 for target shooting and coyote hunting. Any companies or products to consider or avoid? I'll be milling my own receiver and then assembling the rest from parts or kits. Thanks.
I've built, modified, and fired more than I will admit. You are starting off correctly by building from scratch and picking what parts you want. Most will buy a factory AR, then have me take half it off and add other parts they bought. This is a waste of money.
If you want a self defense/blaster then you can get away with a lot less research and money then if you want a 500yd gopher rifle. In most cases you get what you pay for. But the AR market is so saturated rite now you can get a great rifle for less then a grand. A good blaster/self defense for $500. Stoner (not related to the original engineer in an way) makes low end parts and runs fine. Complete uppers for $199. Del ton and PSA make decent parts for a low end blaster.
I personally recommend buying each individual part, rather than complete assembled upper, or rifle kit. Most those parts will end up in a box when you are done.
I personally like the Sharps Rifle company BCG, or at least the bolts due to their metallurgy. I like DD or Bravo company barrels. I like BCM handguards. POF, Timney, or Gisselle, or ALG defense triggers. I live in a temperate climate where thick clothes are worn for half the year. This dictates collapsible stock so the eye relief and length of pull can be adjusted. I prefer the mid length gas system, or if you use carbine length use an H2 buffer.
On my coyote rifle I'm running the DD STW 18" with mid length gas, 1/7 twist and it's a tack-driver with 75 gr OTM handloads. I don't like adjustable gas blocks on defense rifles due to a number of possibilities and issues. I could ramble opinions for days.....
What is your budget?
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Check out the LaRue mbt trigger, as good or better than the big G

Tool craft for bcg

I like faxon and ballistic advantage barrels but if coat is no concern than you can get CF, or "custom match" from big name barrel manus-- I think kreiger, shilein, etc all make ar barrels now.

I prefer mid length gas systems with front adjustable SLR gas blocks with standard weight buffers (pistol length for subsonic though)

Dont let caliber/cartridge hold you back, they have 17 up to 50 if you do a little research. Wssm, you name it- sky's the limit

If $ is no option and you want light weight you can build them under 3 pounds too.

They are the barbie doll for guys, you can customize them in hundreds of ways and make them unique
My goals are to end with a 22-24" med-heavy varmint/predator gun. Accuracy is most important. Was looking at trigger tech triggers. My Christensen bolt gun has one and I'm very happy with it. I'm not in a hurry so shopping for parts and finding deals on the components will be half the fun.
If budget wasn't an issue I'd build this!
in most cases run from trendy shops and products
spend money on QUALITY parts not just high dollar.
decide/define what you want, then ask questions.
under 1/2" is not hard with the correct bbl/chamber and quality ammo
I'll second the Larue triggers, they are fantastic and not overpriced, can't even tell the difference from my geissele. Will also recommend their stealth barrels 1/2 moa from the ones I've been around. Odin works also makes a fine barrel and I like their handguards. In my opinion anything over 20" in a ar is not really going to gain you much. Good luck with your build!
you have never shot a quality 24" target ar then.
as in not at 100 more like 600 yards.
I'll second the Larue triggers, they are fantastic and not overpriced, can't even tell the difference from my geissele. Will also recommend their stealth barrels 1/2 moa from the ones I've been around. Odin works also makes a fine barrel and I like their handguards. In my opinion anything over 20" in a ar is not really going to gain you much. Good luck with your build!
I've had had good luck with white oak barrels, I only have one, but have been around several.
I run hiperfire triggers.
Lots of good stuff out there.
For an 80% build I prefer a drop in trigger such as the triggertech or if you want to use a trigger like the larue mbt(my favorite ar trigger I own) make sure to get some anti-rotation pins like the kns or something. This is because most people done anodized the holes after they drill them on an 80%.

Faxon and Ballistic advantage make some great ar15 barrels but if you're willing to spend a bit more I would get a shilen, blackhole, or something on that level. Having the barrel manufacturer provide a headspaced bolt is worth it for tight groups.

As for bolt carriers I like lightweight carriers that have forward assist grooves like the ones from brownells. All the coating options are nice and help a gun clean easier but that's about it for the round count a precision rifle will see.

You definitely want an adjustable gas block and depending on caliber I prefer longer gas tubes whenever possible. My 18" barrels have rifle gas, 16" have mid.

My best shooting ar is a 6.8 spc ii with a 20" blackhole weaponry barrel, polygonal rifled, lapped, ss, heaviest profile they made. I've got a rock river 2 stage varmint trigger and an aim lightweight bolt carrier in it with no complaints except for the lack of forward assist on the bolt carrier.

Handguards are where people tend to add a bunch of bling but I just prefer light and slim Handguards. Hera arms makes some good ones that are featherweight to help balance out a rifle with a heavy barrel. A good fixed stock is also helpful to balance a gun. Light is cool but balanced and half a pound heavier is worth it to me. Just make sure you don't double down with all the heavy parts in the same spot and light on the other end, the first time you pick the gun up you will know if you got it right.
I'll second the above mentioned hand guard comments. I like a nice trim hand guard. I avoided putting anything except a small rail and light on mine. I actually used a pistol light on mine to keep it light weight.
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