Anyone know the 204 Ruger?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
I havent shot or loaded for my new Savage 204 yet but am wondering with a 32gr Nosler Ballistic tip at 3900-4000 FPS whats the come ups in MOA for 500 yards. I doubt I will be shooting it that far very often in the Wyoming wind, unless I am on a p-dog town. Its nice to know MOA at that range, it helps me deciede on scopes.
I havent shot or loaded for my new Savage 204 yet but am wondering with a 32gr Nosler Ballistic tip at 3900-4000 FPS whats the come ups in MOA for 500 yards. I doubt I will be shooting it that far very often in the Wyoming wind, unless I am on a p-dog town. Its nice to know MOA at that range, it helps me deciede on scopes.

Run your specific numbers through JBM Ballistics program. That should give you the best results. FWIW, my Shilen Barreled 204 shoots pretty good until the wind kicks up...those little pills get pushed all over the place by the wind at extended ranges.
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