Antelope, and Mule Deer Hunting


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
Mecosta, Michigan
For those States which apply , I'm looking for a place to hunt gun)Antelope, and Mule deer, So like west Nebraska, Kansas etc...

I need to find out at what part in the fall that I can hunt both game, and any information you could pass along,like Non-Res. Hunting license etc... Would be Appreciated.

CTW gun)
Looking to hunt next year, or the following.
Interesting! Why settle for a mediocre hunt ! Go west! Start applying in the real trophy states. Arizona ,New Mexico. In AZ build bonus points , this means buying a license every year. $152.50.
It's Wyoming for antelope, hands down no question. You can and should buy a preference point right now. $30.
Tons of fun.
For mulies probably Colorado is at or near the top. Again, preference points are everything. Here you have to apply for a tag or designate on the app that you only want a point.....but you still have to pay for the tag at that time. A couple months later they refund your money and you get the point.
I hunted Wyoming on left over tags last year and will again this year. With left overs the access to land to hunt DIY is nearly impossible.
Pm me if you like.
Wyoming has the most antelope . Unfortunately they do no have the biggest ! Arizona has rewritten the record books . Tough Draw but the best goats ! We also are the very best state to kill monster muleys and monster elk in ! Yes I know where to go! I help folks all the time!
SirRoyal, where are you in Wyoming?
My wife and I are currently looking for land to build on over he next few summers, then move into.
We are looking in the Caspar, area, only because she is still in college, and will transfer.

CTW gun)
I am not in Wyoming . I just saw your post on Antelope and deer. I am an Arizona native that loves to hunt and help others enjoy! And sometimes I share secrets that the average hunter doesn't know about!
Here is a few recent years of hunting .


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