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A message from Hodgdon Powder

So is it the baby boomers kids who are spoiled?... or is it the baby boomers themselves?

The 40 hour work week that Baby Boomers retired off of, is now called a Part Time Job

Just because you Baby Boomers have the money for a wanted gun build, or gun powder or primers, it doesn't mean we have to work 50-70 hours a week to build it or make it
I think youve got it backwards
Sorry but I wasn't talking about my kids. I was talking about you.
You know nothing about me. Spoiled is when you're given everything. I've earned everything I have. Nobody has handed me anything. I'll spend my money how I **** well please and not give a flip about what you or anyone else thinks about it.
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So what or how much is considered "hoarding"?

i've always considered this when people start turning on each other and spew this mess and try to shame people that to them are hoarding.

oh well, i'm not gonna loose sleep because my shortage is not someone's problem like someone's shortage is not my problem
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i've always considered this when people start turning on each other and spew this mess and try to shame people that to them are hoarding.

oh well, i'm not gonna loose sleep because my shortage is not someone's problem like someone's shortage is not my problem
This should make some heads spin, well maybe just one.


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For those not asleep at the wheel this week, a lot of primers hit at
Natchezz and other stores.
So the big boys are getting fed a little here and there, but what about all the small local shops? I don't need them bad enough to sit and hit refresh on those websites all day, nor am I willing to pay the hazard fees at this point, but I could certainly use a brick or two if local shops or even big box stores could get them. I'm not complaining, I have enough to get me through but I'd like a chance to resupply at some point.
What do I have to be embarrassed for, that I was smart and stockpiled during good times so I don't have to panic in bad times? You are right I make absolutely no apologies for that.
My main point was it's not up to anyone but myself to determine what my needs are.
If you buy the stuff that you normally use when supplies are high and prices are low, that's not "hoarding", that's just "being smart".
Supply was way up when demand was down. Now supply is up even higher but demand is through the roof.

If I were a manufacturer no way would I go invest tens or hundreds of millions on expansion. Expansion would take forever and cost double to triple what it should. And who knows what this administration and Congress will do?
Hodgdon added another shift and will manufacture more this year than last year, until everybody has enough stash, supply will remain tough.

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