A different kind of long range g-hog hunting

f graham

New Member
Aug 2, 2001
I'm working with my .22 rimfire and I could use some opinions. I have been applying the long range principles and have come up with very impressive results. I would like to apply this to hunting groundhogs. My experience has been that unless a hog is hit real hard they will run for thier hole.The couple of times I have hit them with a .22 they don't stop head shot or not. When I can catch them a little way from their hole they will run for the hole then collapse before they make it. If they are near the hole when hit they will make it down the hole.
I know deer will behave the same way sometimes running away though they really are already dead.
So if a g-hog recieves a fatal chest shot from a long way away, say 200 yards, from a relatively quiet gun, will he just lay down and die. Like the deer that gets hit at 1300 yards.
Or is a groundhog running for that hole with his dying breath no matter what.
I am very confident of my ability to make a good hit,expansion would of course be minimal,penetration should be complete.
Thanks,frank g
The difference between that hog and a deer is, the hole is much closer to the hog and the deer does not have that luxury. The deer can only TRY to run away if he can.
If the chuck was hit as hard as that deer was hit, it would not make it to the hole.

There is no way to compare a 22 Rim fire hit on a woodchuck at 200 yards to a large wildcat centerfire on a deer at 1300 yards. The muzzle energy on the deer cartridge that we use is so much more powerfull even at 1300 yards That's like comparing apples and oranges.

I'm certainly not going to get into a lively discussion about compareing a rimfire to a 308 Baer,that is comparing apples and Chevys.
But you are saying the deer stop because they get hit with a big magnum.I've seen them get hit at close range with a big magnum and run. They don't run far but they sometimes do run.I'll bet you have seen this yourself.
You have said they always lay down when hit at long range.If they can run at short range they can run at long range,but they don't.
The difference seems to be the distance,not the bullet.
I'm guessing the deer don't run because they don't know anybody is shooting at them.This is what I am trying to apply to the g-hogs.
I think you will find that ALL animals react in a different way. That hog has the instinct to get to that hole. When a hawk circles, he will run (very fast) to the hole.

You are correct, the deer did not hear that noise factor and will normally drop in their tracks. An elk on the other hand will either drop or just lay down.

The woodchuck is a rather tough and strong little animal for his size. Comparing muzzle energy needed as per size of the animal, it may just take more then a 22 Rimfire especially at 200 yards, to keep that chuck from reaching his hole. At 200 yards you don't have much energy left, even as you said, when they are hit in the head they can make it back to the hole.

Take care and good shooting
That has been my concern. The fact that hogs are hardwired to get back to that hole is my biggest stumbling block. I'll have to think on this some more.
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