Richard Teague

Active Member
Nov 9, 2018
I can pick up a new barrel in this chambering pretty reasonably priced. I have heard you can use 7MM Remington magnum dies to load for it. How hard is brass to come by? Does this round have anything obviously wrong with it? The belt doesn't bother me but what does is the dearth of interest in it.
I don't know about using 7mm rm dies for it but the proper dies are readily available. and brass it depends how much you want to spend on it there is usually several different brands around. I have 2 Stw 1 in a sako with a 26" sheilan and a Remington 700 with 24 enjoy them both very much. Coyote from last night and my bull from this year. long live the Stw!


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I can pick up a new barrel in this chambering pretty reasonably priced. I have heard you can use 7MM Remington magnum dies to load for it. How hard is brass to come by? Does this round have anything obviously wrong with it? The belt doesn't bother me but what does is the dearth of interest in it.
I'll send you some Brass if you need it
I use a 7mm mag fl sizer as a shoulder "bump die" and neck sizer. It has body clearance so it won't size the case and is too short anyway. I get several firings before they start to stick above the belt and just bought the collet die sizer from larrywillis dot com. That collet works slick but you can size the body diameter down too far if you run the die down tight to the shell holder. I set it to just bump the area above the belt.
If you want to size the brass back to factory at the belt and not pay for the willis collet you can part off a std 7stw full length sizer at the shoulder then turn about .050 off the base so it'll get to the belt before it hits the shell holder. Parting off produced a few sparks but turning back the ends and chamfering, it cut like butter.
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