6.5 SAUM N570 140 Berger


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2009
I've had a jug of N570 sitting around for a month or so. Decided to give it a try this morning just to see where it pressured out and what velocity it would produce. No groups yet.

Very impressed so far. Going to try some more here soon. Shooting for groups next looking for accuracy.

Then going to see how temp sensitive it is.
That's what I've heard.

Won't be able to test cold gun and cold ammo but I look forward to seeing how it does.
What a your reamer specs? And your barrel length?
Also have you tried the 140gr hybrids with Imr8133 also?
Those are impressive speeds with the N570 I'm thinking of buying some also and from what I've been reading about it, it is working really well with the 6.5 saums.
Sorry, should've included that.

It's a GAP 4S .081 .296nk reamer.

Brass is 12x-14x fired RP neck turned.

Barrel is a 26" Bartlein 3B 1-8 5R. Currently sitting at probably 400rds on it.

I'd been curious about 8133 and 7977 since their introduction but haven't tried any yet. I bought the N570 to try as a replacement for retumbo since I hadn't seen any in the last 9 months. For the last few years I've been using H1000 and the 130VLD and just finished burning through my last few 130s. Figured I'd give something different a try.

Where did you find the info on the SAUM and N570? I dug around for a minute but only found one good thread on a Nosler forum with a bunch of QuickLoad data. I think it had 67.1gr as max charge but I'm pretty sure I'd need a drop tube or vibration to settle the powder down in the case at that charge. If I can find accuracy around 3150 with the 140 I'll be happy.
Hi Eshore, All the info I have found was on the gap 6.5 saum facebook page.
Theres lots of good info if you follow that page and use the search function.
I like Imr 8133 so far its a very accurate powder in 2 of my guns.

My reamer specs is 6.5 Rsaum .298nk .100" freebore. and in those 2 guns 1 is a krieger 24" 1-8 and the other is 24" 1-8 5r benchmark both #2 contours.

With Retumbo 58grs i am at 2975 fps with 150 sierra hpbt and that is maxed out in the krieger barrel, and Imr 8133 61grs 2971fps with 153.5gr Berger hybrid and again maxed out.

Now I am trying Imr 8133 in the benchmark barrel and so far with the 140gr Berger hybrids i am doing 1" 5 round 200 yards groups, but i haven't had time to load more rounds to test but it looks real good.
But from what I've been reading about N570 people have had even better results in speed and accuracy with a good range of bullet weights from 140-156gr.
And soon as I find some N570 I will buy 8lbs to try out. Keep us posted as to how your accuracy results come out.
Good to know. I'm not on Facebook. I'll have to see if I can view the info without joining.

I'm surprised you maxed out with retumbo and the 150s @58grs. I was at 58.5gr H1000 with the 150. Plus, you have a bit more freebore which I thought would have helped some. Typically whatever my max is with h1000 I can figure on going minimum another grain higher with retumbo before pressuring out. I had good accuracy with the 150, just odd random fliers that I attributed to not having enough twist.

One of the attributes of the 8133 I'd read about was the anti-coppering agents. What is your experience? How bad is the carbon fouling?

I hadn't cleaned my SAUM in a while so I did a thorough cleaning after testing the 570. Seemed like more carbon than normal compared to 1000. Going to keep an eye out on that.

The only other thing I wished was that 570 came in "SC" or "SSC". It does not flow through the powder funnel well at all. I have the Area419 aluminum set and this is the first powder I've ever had not flow through like water. Small problem though.
Yes with Retumbo pressuring out early,weird, I think my reamer prob has something to do with it.
Imr is big kernels also so metering is not as easy but it is cleaner than Retumbo and H1000. The sierras 150s shoot well in my Krieger but lousy in my benchmark same twist. The bergers seem to shoot better though but havent tested them enough to be sure yet. With the sierras i did take my longest shot last year on a buck dropped him at 675 yards so that was nice.
But everything Ive read on Imr 8133 and Imr7797 is good and what i've read about N570 sounds just as good if not better. would like to see when you shoot for groups how you do as your speeds are excellent.
I've had a jug of N570 sitting around for a month or so. Decided to give it a try this morning just to see where it pressured out and what velocity it would produce. No groups yet.

Very impressed so far. Going to try some more here soon. Shooting for groups next looking for accuracy.

Then going to see how temp sensitive it is. View attachment 213505
Just ordered and received 4kg of the new Vith N565, thinking this new powder will be another 'hot' one for the 6.5 RSAUM/GAP/SST aswell as the 6.5-284 & 6.5PRC!
I'd read that someone thought 565 would be perfect for the SAUM/SS/SST family a while back. I guess that's why I was surprised by the 570.

When I built my first "6.5x300 SAUM" in 2008 I primarily used R19 and then R22. Eventually I worked into H1000 and kinda been there ever since. I just always stubbornly/ignorantly had it in my mind that the Retumbo burn rate powders were too slow for the SAUM.

Elmer...how'd the 150s do on that deer? I tried the 183SMK in my STW but felt the small meplat didn't open consistently. Probably too much bullet for deer too.
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Eshore the Sierra did it's job it penciled in the high shoulder and blew out about 6 inches of shoulder and spine bone.
With my 7mm Dakota I've used 180 Berger hybrids and 190gr Matrix bullets when they used to be made in Canada and in my 280AI I use 168 berger vlds ,all of these bullets i point with the Hoover pointing die, none have failed me all deer I've taken have dropped with all of my rifles I don't think any walked more than a step or 2.
Most of my shots have been from 100-450ish and 2 over 550.
Shot some groups @200yds the last 2 evenings. Everything looks good so far. I think I'm going to go with 62.7gr @.030 jump and see how it does at distance. Crops are coming out of the field now so maybe I'll be able to try some longer range shooting soon. Going to run quick temp test too.


The one thing I will say is that this powder leaves a noticeable amount of carbon compared to H1000. Typically 4-6 patches of Boretech, 20-30 strokes of the nylon brush and 15 mins to soak and this barrel comes out clean. With n570 I'm up to like 12-15 wet patches and 50 strokes. Then after soaking it takes another 2-5 wet patches and a few dry to totally clean it out. Not a show stopper but something to think about.
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