55gr .243


Sep 14, 2009
How well does the 55/58 grain bullet behave in a .243 at 3800-3900fps
1-9 1/8 or 1-10 twist?

I may be way of on my thots, but I want FAST and FLAT,with the option of going up in bullet weight easly, the .243 seems like a great choice by looking at the ballistics, not sure how bad accuracy will fail with the fast lite bullet.
Now, you really didn't say what the intended purpose is for the bullets mentioned (target, varmint, larger game, or just playing around), so it's not really that easy to answer your question, but I'll take a stab at it.

Now as far as wether or not the bullets will be accurate under the conditions you describe, you will have to find that out through experimentation. Check with manufactures and see if they recomend a max velocity or fastest twist rate. That may save you from blowing up bullets before they reach the target.

Talking about bullets blowing up, 55-58gr bullets at 3800-3900fps will likely act like grenades on impact, so if your thinking about shooting paper or varmints you're probably fine. Then again if you're thinking about using it for larger deer sized game, I think that you would be better served with a heavier bullet.

The lighter bullets will have a flatter trajectory up close, but it will lose it's velocity at a faster rate than a heavier bullet with the same profile. Which means that it will have a more arched trajetory over longer distances. Those longer distances may very well be outside the ranges you have in mind, though so don't make any decisions with out looking at how any one bullet suits your needs.
I agree with Steve Smiths post experimentation is the key. You won’t know unless you try it. You did not mention if you plan on selling the hide or not. I will assume you are selling the pelts.

I had a 243 Stevens with a pac-nor barrel 1-8 twist
I could not find a load that would take coyotes from 75 to 500 yards.

Accuracy was not really a problem at 500 yards minute of angle is fine for a heart lung shot. My gun was throated for 105 Bergers but would still shoot 55 grain ballistic tips around 1 moa at 500.

55 grain ballistic tips at 3800 worked fine at 200 and beyond but any closer the pelt damage was too great to sell. The other problem with the 55 grain bullets was the wind. We hunt coyotes in Upper Michigan in February and there is no such thing as a calm wind.

I tried many bullets and the same thing seamed to happen, at less than 150-200 yards the damage is to great to sell.

I came to the conclusion that my best option was to hunt with a buddy. My dad uses a 223 with 40 grain barnes hps for under 200 yards and I use the 243 with 70 ballistic tips when they hang up further out.

Others may disagree or have had better experience with the 243 at close range this is just my experience.

Don’t let my experience discourage you, try different bullets and see what happens.
I agree with Steve Smiths post experimentation is the key. You won’t know unless you try it. You did not mention if you plan on selling the hide or not. I will assume you are selling the pelts.

I had a 243 Stevens with a pac-nor barrel 1-8 twist
I could not find a load that would take coyotes from 75 to 500 yards.

Accuracy was not really a problem at 500 yards minute of angle is fine for a heart lung shot. My gun was throated for 105 Bergers but would still shoot 55 grain ballistic tips around 1 moa at 500.

55 grain ballistic tips at 3800 worked fine at 200 and beyond but any closer the pelt damage was too great to sell. The other problem with the 55 grain bullets was the wind. We hunt coyotes in Upper Michigan in February and there is no such thing as a calm wind.

I tried many bullets and the same thing seamed to happen, at less than 150-200 yards the damage is to great to sell.

I came to the conclusion that my best option was to hunt with a buddy. My dad uses a 223 with 40 grain barnes hps for under 200 yards and I use the 243 with 70 ballistic tips when they hang up further out.

Others may disagree or have had better experience with the 243 at close range this is just my experience.

Don’t let my experience discourage you, try different bullets and see what happens.

Would this include a 22-250 at those velocities? I understand the wind drift issues, and that is why I believe that a .243 would be a good choice, could change ammo easily when needed. Was more concerned with accuracy.
H414 has workt great with the 55 grain Noslers. This load has been used in ½ dozen 243s from sporters to bulls and 10.25 twist to 8 twists.
Have never been able to get to the lands but have been able to fins a length that workt.
I bought an old 243 Savage used and have put more than 1200 rounds of 55s through it right @ 4000fps, its my got-to gun for prairie dogs past 300 or very windy days. Just out of curiosity I shot a couple @ paper the last time I had it out to see if accuracy had slipped at all?

I have shot 1/2" groups at 300 yards with my 243 AI at 4100 fps. Shot two crows with one bullet at a tad over 500 yards. One behind the other and called the shot. These were 55 grain noslers. Sniper2 killed whitetails like lightning with them out of his 6mm-06AI that we put together. He shot some out to 400 yards on a depredation hunt. I can't remember what he chronographed his at.
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