5 and 1/2 months and it's finally here!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
Ellwood City, PA
This spring I ordered a suppressor for coyote hunting at night in the urban setting I call home. I won't have to tell people before I go hunting that "if you here a gun shot in the middle of the night, don"t worry it's just me.":D

Now I just have to look at it and wait until Kevin Cram get's his shop moved so I can play with it. It's an SWR Omega.
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Re: 5 and 1/2 monthes and it's finally here!!

This spring I ordered a suppressor for coyote hunting at night in the urban setting I call home. I won't have to tell people before I go hunting that "if you here a gun shot in the middle of the night, don"t worry it's just me.":D

Now I just have to look at it and wait until Kevin Cram get's his shop moved so I can play with it. It's an SWR Omega.

thats cool, was the 5.5 month wait on the approval or them to build it? what caliber are you using it on? are you going to use sub sonic or super sonic loads? what about a pic?

Re: 5 and 1/2 monthes and it's finally here!!

Will- that wait was all for the stamp! I'm rutting it on a 270 fro now. Just going to run the same loads I normally do. I'll probably have to re-tune a bit for the extra 1.5# on the barrel but that's it. It doesn't look any different than the ones on there site and I don't have it on a barrel yet. So it wouldn't be much of a pic. I post one after Kevin gets my barrel threaded.:)
Re: 5 and 1/2 monthes and it's finally here!!

This spring I ordered a suppressor for coyote hunting at night in the urban setting I call home. I won't have to tell people before I go hunting that "if you here a gun shot in the middle of the night, don"t worry it's just me.":D

Now I just have to look at it and wait until Kevin Cram get's his shop moved so I can play with it. It's an SWR Omega.

Urban setting??
Re: 5 and 1/2 monthes and it's finally here!!

Will- that wait was all for the stamp! I'm rutting it on a 270 fro now. Just going to run the same loads I normally do. I'll probably have to re-tune a bit for the extra 1.5# on the barrel but that's it. It doesn't look any different than the ones on there site and I don't have it on a barrel yet. So it wouldn't be much of a pic. I post one after Kevin gets my barrel threaded.:)

so did you get the 30 or 300 model?
Re: 5 and 1/2 monthes and it's finally here!!


You'll have to come up this winter and go out. We don't have near the numbers the boys out west do but they're around.

Sounds good to me. Maybe January/February? (after deer season). What do you think of shooting a 44mag at them? Can you call them to within 50 yards?
so did you get the 30 or 300 model?

I'll have to look at it. I thou8ght it said 30/300 on the side.

Sounds good to me. Maybe January/February? (after deer season). What do you think of shooting a 44mag at them? Can you call them to within 50 yards?

I'lll be starting right after x-mas as our deer season will end just prior. 44 mag will kill them dead and sometimes they come real close sometimes not based on where we are. You're welcome to use my stuff to shoot em. I just like having someone to go with. Don't care if I shoot another one as long as I have someone to call for.:)
So the 30 will work on the .270 as well as a 30-06? Or do they put smaller baffles in the 30 for a .270?
So the 30 will work on the .270 as well as a 30-06? Or do they put smaller baffles in the 30 for a .270?

They do make one for the 6.8 SPC (.277 cal) but the fella told me this was better for my set up and from what I can tell it will work fine for what I want out of it(which is to keep from scaring neighbors) up to a 30-06 case. As to how quiet this thing really is, I'll report in the near future.
This sounds awesome i actually have a 270 and have done a ton of shooting with it sicnce i love shooting in general. i would also be very interested in seeing the finished product. I have been using my new toy a .204 lately and have enjoyed it alot
Well Kevin got it threaded on yesterday. It's not as quiet as Hollywood would have you believe. It sounds a little like the crack of a 22 rimfire with an air leak. It also reduces recoil to the point a 5 year old girl can shoot it. The crack is obviously the sonoc crack of the bullet which I don't see a way around without loading subsonic ammo. You can easily shoot w/o ear protection. I don't see it attracting attention due to noise either so it will meet my needs. I do understand why people load subsonic ammo. They do to get rid of the crack which is the bulk of the noise made with the suppressor on the gun. If you eliminate the "crack" it would sound like an abrupt high pressure air leak.
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