450 bushy H blk ammo?

You may want to try Randy's Hunting Center, Bad Axe Michigan. I bought a case of hornady 450BM when I got my Ruger American from them.
There are probably 20 boxes on the shelf at my lgs. They might mail it to you. Pm me for their info if you want to.
What do you call reasonable? The BassPro & Sportsman's WH here in CO Springs have plenty on the shelves but it runs $39.99 now. 2 years ago when I bought my son his Ruger you could regularly find it under $30. I got my last bulk buy from Target Sports USA $130 for 150 rounds but they are now showing $170.
I'm not really sure what "reasonable" is anympre-- used to be about a buck a round, now seems like it's $1.80 - $2/ round

A bought a few boxes yesterday for $32/box-- not quite as "reasonable" as I hope for bit at least it was in stock.

I'd buy one of those 150 packs for a buck a piece for sure if I could find any.
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