338 Platform Rifle Build

What 338 should I build?

  • 338 Edge

    Votes: 20 39.2%
  • 338 Lapua

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • 338 Lapua Improved

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • 338 RUM

    Votes: 8 15.7%

  • Total voters

David F

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2018
This will be my first rifle build. Trying to decide which 338 caliber to go with. Currently shoot a 300RUM. I have a Defiance Rebel Action and a 338 Bartlein Varmint 1:9.3 barrel so far. Still have the rest of the components to order. Any suggestions on stock, bottom metal, trigger? I definitely want an adjustable cheek piece on the stock. I'm unsure about the bottom metal. I would prefer not to single feed. What's out there that fits the long oal of 300 grain Berger's? Thanks for your suggestions and opinions!
I just had a 338 rum built. 28" proof barrel. Had terminus helios action modded for 4" box. Shooting 300 Bergers @ 3.9" on lands. I ran a ladder of RL33 from 88-102gr, top charge was 2874 fps, and barrel isn't broken in. It showed ejector, but 100g didn't and was 2802, that'll speed up to 2860 or so once broken in. That's faster than most 338 lapuas. The edge will get you another 30-50 fps, maybe. There's nothing wrong with a 338 rum, great cartridge in my opinion. If I did it all over again, I'd probably go 338 norma improved as it gets same velocity in a 26" barrel with a bit less powder, doesn't need a 4" box and lapua brass is freaking great.
I also had this debate and went 338 RUM. I've been happy with it.


You basically can eliminate the Lapua due to the BF.
The edge makes the most sense because they make 338 edge brass and you can make it from 300 rum brass. With the Wyatt's mag extension, there's no reason to single feed. The 338 rum was lacking any brass for a long time and leaves some velocity on the table. Not a big deal until you get to the 300+ gr bullets.
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Thanks for all of your responses. I put lapua as an option due to having to call up defiance and order a different bolt if I went that route. Who makes the best 338 edge brass?
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