338 Norma mag


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Grandville, Michigan
So, I'm thinking about a build in this cartridge. This would be for a hunting rifle. How would you build it?
Leaning towards a 700 trued or reasonable custom action and then......

Thank you in advance.
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I'll summarize what pretty much everyone will tell you.

You will get mixed opinions on using a Remington action for a 338 Norma, mainly due to the fact that you must use a .585" bolt face (same as a Rigby or .338 Lapua), and some consider that to create too much bolt thrust for a standard Remington 700 action. Others do not consider it to be too much pressure. The fact is, your cutting your room for error down by using a Remington 700 action instead of a custom action, such as a Stiller TAC338 or similar, with a larger (usually .750") bolt diameter. This does not mean that it cannot be done, and does not mean that you cannot have one built, the smith that I use has built many on a Remington action with no issues, and MANY have been built on that action, including a factory Remington 700 chambered in 338 Lapua. So the long and the short of it....you can do it, and have a safely functioning rifle if you load safely, but your safety margin is smaller than if you use a custom .338 dedicated action. How much smaller? I don't know. Someone much smarter than me would have to tell you that. That is a risk you must be willing to take if you build one on a standard Remington action.
I am personally building one on a Stiller TAC338 Action, Manners EH1-A Stock in GAP molded camo, Stiller CIP detachable bottom metal, Carbon Six magnum contour barrel, and Terminator T3 brake. Finished ready to hunt weight will be right around 11ish pounds depending on scope. You could do it cheaper and still stay light with a Stocky's carbon stock, standard Remington bottom metal, Remington action with the bolt face opened up, and a carbon six barrel. Just depends what you want
I has a smith open up the bolt on a model 70 and chamber a 338 Norma. Didn't turn out to well. Something about the bolt made it find pressure way to soon. Since then I picked up a Stiller Tac 338 and some other parts. Still waiting to put it together for another 338 Norma.
Mine is about done I’ll have it in a week or two, i built on a Stiller Tac 338, Carbon Six Magnum contour barrel, IOTA outdoors Kremlin stock, with Stiller BDL bottom metal Terminator T4 brake, TriggerTech trigger. Thinking about topping it with a NF 7-35
My first one was a rebarreled savage 338 lapua. Next one was built on a stiller tac 338. Both used brux barrels and both shoot great. If I were to build another I would use a stiller, but I would build it on a single shot action.
Mine is about done I’ll have it in a week or two, i built on a Stiller Tac 338, Carbon Six Magnum contour barrel, IOTA outdoors Kremlin stock, with Stiller BDL bottom metal Terminator T4 brake, TriggerTech trigger. Thinking about topping it with a NF 7-35
I'm building a nearly identicle rifle. Only difference is a Manners EH1-A stock, and a T3 instead of a T4 brake. Same barrel and contour, same bottom metal, same action, same trigger, and it's going to be topped with a sig Whiskey 5 5-25 ha ha
I'm building a nearly identicle rifle. Only difference is a Manners EH1-A stock, and a T3 instead of a T4 brake. Same barrel and contour, same bottom metal, same action, same trigger, and it's going to be topped with a sig Whiskey 5 5-25 ha ha
Mine was “supposed” to be on a McMillan GameHunter but McMillan screwed up my order I guess and when I called to check on the status they said I didn’t even have a order and was gonna be another 4-5 months so Russ Stiller turned me in to IOTA and it was 2.5 weeks from order to door


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