I've been looking around, but could not find any bushing neck dies for the 338 Norma Magnum. From what I can gather is that both the Lapua and Norma have 20degree shoulders, with the Norma having less taper compared to the Lapua. My question: if I take Lapua Bushing Neck sizer and strip it, would I be able to get a 338 Norma chamber reamer into the body of the die to ream it out in order for the Norma to fit without damaging the any threads in the body? I'm further correct in stating that I would then be able to resemble the die and use it as a bushing neck sizer for the 338 Norma? I suppso eone would also have to shorten the die a little? Can one do the same with a 338 Lapua Redding body die?