338 Lapua Custom Rifle Ideas


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2005
Hi everyone,

I've noticed there are a lot of very knowledgeable members on this site and just wanted to pick your brains. I am looking into building a custom 338 Lapua and could use a few suggestions. I am leaning toward a Nesika action, McMillan A5 stock, and a 28" barrel with muzzlebrake(longer if necessary). I would like to keep the rifle under fifteen pounds in weight if possible. It would be used as a long range hunting rifle and a 1000+ yard target rifle.
Have any of you built a similar rifle? Do you have any suggestions? Do you know of any good gunsmiths that could build such a rifle?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I have built several 338 Lapua mags for other customers. It is a good round, the project you have outlined sounds like a good platform. Building the rifle with otics under 15 lbs will work. Do you intend to build a single or repeater? Are you set on the Lapua or its' performance? The customers I have had are happy with theirs but most complain about brass costs and the additional cost of the project coming from the super mag bolt face you have to work with. The performance of the cartridge has never been an issue.
I am in the process of having a some what similar gun built right now (338 Lapua IMP) my gunsmith uses a lot of Nesika actions but he say's for this cartridge the only action he will use for longrange work is a BAT. so mine will be a BAT action McMillan stock,Krieger 34" barrel. for this cartridge you might want to consider a slightly heavier gun than 15# if you want to see bullet impact (even with a brake).
Thanks for the info.

I chose the 338 Lapua for two reasons. First, I wanted a long range performer that packs a punch at a long distance. Second, I like the quality of Lapua brass and don't mind forking out a little extra for it. Do you have other suggestions of a cartridge that might be superior to the 338 Lapua? Also, it sounds like you are a gunsmith. If you were building a long distance hunting and shooting gun, would you do something like I outlined or would you do something different. Finally, could you provide me with your contact information so we could talk more in depth about this project?


I have not heard much about BAT actions. I am curious as to why your gunsmith prefers them to Nesika actions. What advantages do they offer? Like I said, this is mostly new to me, so I am relying on people who have experience in building a long rang rifle. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated. I would love to hear more details about your project gun if you would be willing to share them. Finally, who are you using to make your rifle?
I have developed and built many rifles in 338 EDGE. It is based on a 300 Ultra case ( thankfully Federal now makes brass ). The 338 Lapua is a great cartridge and the performance difference between it and the EDGE is only about 3% or 4%. There is no doubt that Lapua is one of the better brass producers out there. My long range hunting rifles all weigh under 16 lbs ( there is a weight limit in Idaho ). I believe that you are on the right track for what you want to do with the rifle. You can contact me at:
DEFENSIVE EDGE INC. 1-208-651-1131 or [email protected]

I can send you some photos or check some out at my sight www.defensiveedge.net
I throw my 2 cents in here too as I have built alot of 338 Lapuas.
The most common setup I have done is either a Nesika or Remington in the A5 with 26-30" barrels with 28 being the most common. Repeaters or single shot. Bat actions are good too but not neccasarily better than a Nesika.
Will agree with with Shawn that the Edge will "edge" out the Lapua, but I don't feel it is enough gain to mess with necking up and fireforming brass. Not trying to take away form anything he has done.
To go up the next big step you are then talking about the 338-408. But that's a big step!!!!
Honestly the Lapua is more than enough to do anything within reason on this continent!!!!
Thanks for all of the advice. I'm sure I will be getting in touch with some of you at some point when I have a better idea of what I want. Your suggestions have been invaluable, and I appreciate them. Any additional advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well.
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