280ai or ???


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2014
Republic of California
Been thinking about a 280AI for some time. Right now I have a 308, 270, 300WM, and building a new 308. Also have a couple “evil black guns” in 556/223. My 300WM is a heavy rifle around 13-14 pounds with scope so it is more of a target gun. My 270 has been my mountain rifle and have Lane Precision building a 308 that I plan on using for backpacking trip.

question is.....what does the 280AI give me the 270 or 308 cannot? Looking for deer and elk rifle. Since I do not reload is a 280AI pointless for me? I know a properly placed bullet from 270 or 308 will take an elk so am I just wasting money on a 280ai with the other rifles I have? Wondering if I should just spend the money and upgrade the optics I have on the other rifles that I own (mostly Leupold VX3 or Bushnell elite up to 12 or 15X power).

just asking for thoughts and “what would you do” in my shoes.
Prepare yourself ...

In my opinion, 280ai is basically a pinnacle caliber or one that stands out above others in its range.

That said, I’d have a hard time building a 280ai, if I had a 270 win setup the way I want.

You are also covered to the high side too with 300 WM.

Your collection reminds me of mine....6.5x55; 300 Sherman; 300 WSM......I’m kind of bunched up around 30 cal! Thinking about getting rid of the 300 WSM and 6.5x55 and going to something like 6.5 RPM/6.5-06AI and 300 PRC, but ahhh seems like nearly the same thing! I don’t want 338.
I think the only thing you'll gain with the 280/280AI over the 270/308 will be range. Beyond 500 yards the .284 bullets higher BC will allow better velocity/energy. In the 300WM case, you'll reduce recoil by alot. In order to maintain the same ballistics as the 280AI with a 300WM, you'd need heavier bullets. With that comes heavier recoil. Not to mention the added case capacity combined with heavy bullets equates to even more recoil. The advantage building any rifle is ability to customize barrel twist etc. If you were building a 270 with a fast twist barrel, you could almost match the 280 ballistics. I'm all for building a new rifle. I say go for it. Who cares if you don't need it. I have a dozen builds I "Don't need" but own because I want them. I don't even justify builds anymore. I'll sell them when I really think I don't have a use for them or safe space is running out.
I have two .280 rems that do everything I need and they both shoot itty-bitty groups, but I am building a 280ai right now... just because. Cool factor. Ideal cartridge for all my hunting, and I too have always wanted one. 😁 But I do reload.
I have two .280 rems that do everything I need and they both shoot itty-bitty groups, but I am building a 280ai right now... just because. Cool factor. Ideal cartridge for all my hunting, and I too have always wanted one. 😁 But I do reload.
The beauty of the 280AI is that factory ammo is available. The non-reloaders can enjoy Ackley's as well.
I’m wanting to build a 280ai. Are you building one? Or?
interested in what you are going to go with, if even hypothetically at this point.
I am all for building rifles. Hell I get halfway through with one and I am already working in the next one. But given what you have I don’t see what a 280 ai as a huge step up over a 270. A well loaded 270 win is a heck of a caliber.
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