220 swift on a remmy long action?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
Texas panhandle
has anyone had any experience on a 220 swift on a rem 700 long action? any feeding problems? can i use the follower from a 270? any thing else, good,bad,or ugly? i used the search function and seen several suggestions for using a short action but never on a long action.
I don't know about the Remington's, my 22-250 is a Savage 110, was from the factory, so I would think it would work as long as the magazine doesn't have any issues with it.
I'm no gunsmith so take this for what you want but I would think a long action would be the BETTER choice for a fast twist 220 Swift with long heavy for caliber bullets.

If you are looking at having a 220 Swift built have you considered doing an improved version??? That Swift case, like the Rem 6mm, looks like it is just begging to be improved. I bet, for a case this size, there is a pretty significant gain when you blow out the shoulder and improve it. I'm guessing you wouldn't have to trim the necks as much too. Mmmmm, a fast twist Swift improved, sounds fun!!! :D
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