2020-2021 Duck Season MS Flyway


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
I never imagined that the duck season would follow suit with COVID world we are all living in but it has. I have seen the fewest numbers of migrating ducks and quite frankly it is almost hard to fathom given the vast amount of land we have dead centered in the MS Flyway. I am talking THOUSANDS of acres in the heart of rice country along the banks of premier rivers and adjacent to several WMA's but yet FEW FEW migrating ducks. Just curious if any other avid waterfowlers are experiencing the same.
my brother-in-law just told me the same thing yesterday. He hunts in the middle of Louisiana along the Mississippi river and he said it’s the worst he’s seen in almost 40 years.
I have been in the same spot for 20 years in Arkansas and NEVER thought it could get
like this but alas it has
I am up here in MN and for the most part we got froze out early where I hunt, October 20th or there abouts. we had a great local hatch and we were all ready to kill so our locals took a beating. I watched the divers come through in massive rafts on the open huge water like Winnie and Mille Lacs, but not alot of those ducks were killed comparatively speaking.
It’s not been good on the Eastern Flyway either , the Delmarva peninsula has been hard hunting for a few ducks.
Not a lot going on in the Outer Banks of NC. We saw a decent middle section of the season but the last segment has been tough.
Not much going on here in south east TN we are killing birds but not like in the years past
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