I've never pulled the trigger on 1, so school me a bit! Does the trigger have a total pull of 4# on a 2x2 (example)? If so, does it feel like a 4# or just a 2#? More info about the questions is it's for AR's. Every trigger in all of my AR's are single stage with pull rates between 3.5-4.5#s. All are adjustable while installed. I'm just used to the feel as that's been a preference! My favorite adjustable AR triggers is Elfman and favorite non-adjustable is CMC. I have 2 tac-con's (different models) I've read about issues with them, but never experienced any with the 2 I have and used for 4+ years (maybe more). I do have other high dollar highly regarded triggers (Gieselle is 1), but always go back to my fav's. So, what is the big deal with 2-stage triggers?