If a man speaks in the wilderness where no woman can hear --- is he still wrong?

This seems like such a ridiculous question! Almost like a setup! @Len Backus are you OK? Are you being forced against your will to gather evidence on members? If you need help, edit the title and add two more dashes, if you are ok, do nothing and realize we are ALWAYS wrong!
When you can rib the owner and all is still ok,,that's when you know your dealing with a REAL DOWN TO EARTH MAN,,,,love this site.... :cool: 🙃
There is a lot of important stuff being rigorously debated online these days.

But none is as important as this critical issue.

I just slipped my Alaska hunt t-shirt on. I bought this one twenty-some years ago at the airport on my way home from a sheep or moose hunt.
He was wrong for even thinking it, shooting, hunting, fishing, hiking, boating... etc. 🤔😲 Cheers

If a man speaks in the wilderness where no woman can hear --- is he still wrong?


Len, how long have you been married? Hearing is irrelevant! They are synchronized with our thoughts and doesn't matter if in wilderness, bottom of ocean, or in space:

They will know!
Yes Sir, They Will Know!!!!!