Coyote bedding/home area


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
Is it safe to assume that a pair or small group use same bedding/ home area if i have heard them doing friendly evening howling from same spot many times. I think the spot is a small hill with lots brush cover and cover all around it.

What sign should I look for to confirm it is their home area?

Is it safe to assume that a pair or small group use same bedding/ home area if i have heard them doing friendly evening howling from same spot many times. I think the spot is a small hill with lots brush cover and cover all around it.

What sign should I look for to confirm it is their home area?

Dens first. Could be made under a large tree fall -look by where the root system came out. then look for brush piles. Any tree cutting in the area piles of tree tops .branches. If you have cameras put the up and see what you get.
I built a bullet stop at 100 yrds behind my house . I just piled up a bunch of trees and covered with dirt. haven't shot there on a while. Checked it last week and a den for yotes had taken residence,
In my area the coyote seldom use holes after they have had and gotten their pups old enough to camp in the sage brush and draws . Here they will have areas that they call home and will go to for reasons where they will lay up during their down time . Those areas are where they feel comfortable and can get out of the wind or sun into the shade in summer or into the sun in the winter but still be out of the wind . If they aren't bothered they will return to the same areas time after time to sleep , gather to meet ect. and areas that they go to for hunting . Here they may be in the same general area as the rest of the group but laying by themselves and you will hear one call to the others and after a while you will hear them get together and do their greeting .
Thanks for the replies, makes sense them using small hill. There is the always higher ground advantage..The hill is big enough to offer both cooling summer winds and out of wind during cooler months and sunshiňe for warmth. Biggest plus is not ever invaded except by me, so plenty of safety.
Yeah, like D Sheetz said, coyotes in my area abandon dens once the pups are old enough to hunt. They have areas where they feel safe, usually high points in timber where they can rest and nothing can sneak up on them. They like open hilltops where they can bask in the sun during the day when it's cold, but they only den for a few weeks in April/May

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