169 Hammer vs 180 VLD vs 195 EOL. Proven 7mm Loads.

Great write up and information. I'm having a 7mm wsm built. And definitely going with hammer bullets. Won't get the performance you are but hoping for good accuracy. Good luck with your hunts this year and be safe.
Thank you! I have no doubt you'll get the accuracy. These things freaking shoot. Another tip, is scrub the barrel clean and run a light patch of lucas gun oil, followed by a dry patch, before running the hammers. Helps with fast copper fouling.
This 143 is blowing my mind.

I used have a 6.5 creedmoor that shot the 143 ELD-X at 2700 FPS

If I can push the 143 hammer at 3635, it hits 2700fps at 600 yards. So at 600 yards, It'd be like shooting a deer point blank with 6.5CM, except with a better bullet and bigger frontal diameter. Wow.
I run the 143 HH in my 7 RUM at 3,620 fps with Reloder 26 and have shot two cow elk, both stood there for ~10 seconds like nothing happened, not even a twitch. My buddy said I think you missed but I heard it hit. They just stood there bleeding then collapsed without ever taking a step, in both cases. Both broadside, hit heart, lungs, and ribs at 670 and 410 yards. Picture is where the 670 yard cow was standing where the blood was pouring out like you had peed in the snow. Super fun gun inside ~1,000 yards. Years ago Steve was running a 6.5 Lapua Improved around 4,000 FPS, the MPB range is unreal.
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Oh hell yeah. My peterson brass maxes out at 91gr of N570 capacity. I'm running the 169's at 89gr. N570 (heavy bolt lift at 90gr.) . So sounds like I can just fill er up to 91gr. and send them and see how she shoots.
I'd have to go back and look at my notes but at the time I was mid to upper 3600 like 3650-3670 ish. That was at 5k feet. I'm now at 2k feet of elevation and running the 154's at 3369-3372.
I run the 143 HH in my 7 RUM at 3,620 fps with Reloder 26 and have shot two cow elk, both stood there for ~10 seconds like nothing happened, not even a twitch. My buddy said I think you missed but I heard it hit. They just stood there bleeding then collapsed without ever taking a step, in both cases. Both broadside, hit heart, lungs, and ribs at 670 and 410 yards. Picture is where the 670 yard cow was standing where the blood was pouring out like you had ****ed in the snow. Super fun gun inside ~1,000 yards. Years ago Steve was running a 6.5 Lapua Improved around 4,000 FPS, the MPB range is unreal.View attachment 290110View attachment 290111
Awesome info! Thank you!!
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