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Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007
As an update to our PayPal problems.

It has been well past 180 days since we had our account frozen, so we tried to get our money. They responded to our request by telling us that they found a problem with our account and will be permanently freezing our account and will be holding our money for 180 days. I don't think they have any intention of ever giving our money back! They are crooked and anti constitutional in respect to their anti gun stance. Anybody that uses PayPal for any reason should reconsider. There is no reason for freedom loving Americans to feed the beast that wants to limit the freedom and liberty of the citizens of our great country. Anyone using them for the convenience or because it cost less than other methods are funding the efforts of those that want to limit our rights guaranteed by our constitution. It makes no sense for anyone to use them that cares about freedom. As far as I am concerned, using PayPal is like selling a product of war to an enemy state because there is money to be made.

Pass the word and let people know that PayPal is not their friend and to stop using them. Empty your accounts and close them.
I buy stuff off of ebay. I use my credit card. Am I sticking a knife in my own back?
You posted that you were going to contact your A.G. what die he say? Did you go reread the terms of agreement of use with Paypal? I knew they were anti second amendment and there might be something in there about using their services for your type of product. That would be the only way they could keep your money is if you failed to keep your terms that you agreed to. I'm not at all on their side, just pointing out some things.
You posted that you were going to contact your A.G. what die he say? Did you go reread the terms of agreement of use with Paypal? I knew they were anti second amendment and there might be something in there about using their services for your type of product. That would be the only way they could keep your money is if you failed to keep your terms that you agreed to. I'm not at all on their side, just pointing out some things.
I contacted our AG office and the flunky that I talked to informed me that they were not interested in defending a business and alluded to the fact that businesses have lots of money. I told him that we are a young business and money is an issue since we pretty much put everything we make back into the business, as well as the fact that their home page says they help businesses. He then said he would take it to his boss. I never heard back.

I have reviewed their user agreement. We do not have a violation. It says that their service can not be used for firearms or ammunition. Neither of which we ever used them for. In review they told us that they do not like the business that we are in and decided to freeze our account anyway.

Fact is they don't like the firearms industry and there is no way we can hire an attorney for the amount of money they have stolen from us. They are simply terrible and crooked.
The sad thing is that I'm sure their powerhouse of lawyers would try to prove your bullets are components of ammunition and go at you that way. Hopefully they will release your funds when the time runs out. Not sure what recourse you would have to challenge them. BBB or Second Amendment Foundation, anything on that order.
They held my money on scope I sold for over 30 days, everything was gtg, they just wouldn't give me my money. I'll never use them for anything for any reason, I'm happy to wait longer or pay more than to use them.
What they're doing to you isn't just wrong, its criminal. There's no accountability for companies like that. Laws don't apply to them.
They froze my friends money and cancelled his account because he was selling Muzzlebrakes.
I always put "pots and pans" or other descriptors when I use PayPal. They don't need to know what I'm buying
As an update to our PayPal problems.

It has been well past 180 days since we had our account frozen, so we tried to get our money. They responded to our request by telling us that they found a problem with our account and will be permanently freezing our account and will be holding our money for 180 days. I don't think they have any intention of ever giving our money back! They are crooked and anti constitutional in respect to their anti gun stance. Anybody that uses PayPal for any reason should reconsider. There is no reason for freedom loving Americans to feed the beast that wants to limit the freedom and liberty of the citizens of our great country. Anyone using them for the convenience or because it cost less than other methods are funding the efforts of those that want to limit our rights guaranteed by our constitution. It makes no sense for anyone to use them that cares about freedom. As far as I am concerned, using PayPal is like selling a product of war to an enemy state because there is money to be made.

Pass the word and let people know that PayPal is not their friend and to stop using them. Empty your accounts and close them.

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It sucks that they froze your money man, but it is your own fault for not understanding the terms of the agreement. Its not like this came out of left field. We've know for years that they do not support firearm related payments. You made an expensive mistake, but as a business they have the right to dictate their terms, same as you do. I have never loved that policy, but Paypal is convenient, which is what drew you to it in the first place. Venmo is also owned by paypal. The majority of executives at big banks and other fintechs are probably anti 2A. Crooked might be a stretch tho.
Funny story... I had an FFL for a number of years and setup a business account with Paypal, they sent me the letter saying I was violating their terms however they reacted to fast as I had not done any firearms related transactions so they had to reinstate my account. Still have it under the same firearm company name just because I get a giggle every time I am sure the name comes up and they have to review it... its how I get my kicks. Now we need to figure out how to help get your money back. Perhaps we start thanking paypal publicly for their support of fox hunts and coyote shoots, that will spin em up
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Try contacting your local news station, I doubt they would get involved as most of them are anti's also but you never know--- every big business is afraid of nation wide bad publicity
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It sucks that they froze your money man, but it is your own fault for not understanding the terms of the agreement. Its not like this came out of left field. We've know for years that they do not support firearm related payments. You made an expensive mistake, but as a business they have the right to dictate their terms, same as you do. I have never loved that policy, but Paypal is convenient, which is what drew you to it in the first place. Venmo is also owned by paypal. The majority of executives at big banks and other fintechs are probably anti 2A. Crooked might be a stretch tho.
You are wrong. We did not violate their user agreement. We did not sell firearms or ammunition using PayPal. They acknowledged that to us, then told us they were going to freeze our account anyway, because they don't like the business that we are in.

We created an account with PayPal when we had customers asking for it. We did not know that they could take our money because they don't like the business that we are in, even though we did not violate their user agreement.

The point of my post is not a pity party for me, but to inform folks of the situation and hopefully this will result in people stopping their use of PayPal.
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