I assume this tool gives me distance to lands?

Smart ***? Where? By questioning the opinion of another poster? IMO his advise was wrong.

I come from an accuracy background and profession. If having an accurate rifle doesn't appeal to you, then sorry. If you want to over work your brass by not adjusting the sizing, then sorry.

The mere fact that your gunsmith made that tool for you tells me he is also is interested in someone getting the most out of a rifle.

I completely misinterpreted your post...my bad. I have learned a lot from this thread and appreciate your insights and opinions. I apologize.
Oregonian, I was just passing on my views about it, and not knocking your tool. It's a good tool, custom for you.

I'm hoping you'll consider ALL inputs here at LRH.
Some subjects don't really lead to yes or no, right or wrong, etc. They bring out contrast in experience and discussion.
It's a good thing. Otherwise, we'd all being do the same things, and it's likely some of what we're all doing would be wrong.

I agree...wasn't taking it as knocking the tool.

Appreciate your thoughts and opinions.
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