What does Deer Hunting teach you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2022
Deer hunting is that one thing that requires a lot of stillness, quiet, and being in one spot. Obviously then, it gives me bountiful opportunity to practice my patience. However, this serene aspect is part of what makes it a relaxing pastime for so many who enjoy hunting generally. Contrarily, learning patience in a business setting is much more challenging to embrace. My ability to tap into that calm and enduring attitude of perseverance will serve me well in the professional sector. The practice obtained through years of hunting can only strengthen that patience muscle.
My experience is different, I can sit still for only so long, then I'm on the move, slow and stealthy, attack. In life, same attitude, I'll sit still for only so long, then take action. I'm not going to wait for something to happen, I'm going to make it happen. I hunt, I don't wait. Just me, others have a different experience
My experience is different, I can sit still for only so long, then I'm on the move, slow and stealthy, attack. In life, same attitude, I'll sit still for only so long, then take action. I'm not going to wait for something to happen, I'm going to make it happen. I hunt, I don't wait. Just me, others have a different experience
Oh yeah buddy I understand your point of view.
I have learned much about life, and solved many of life's troubles while sitting in a deer stand. Now, as a seasoned hunter I've learned that walking out of the woods a little lighter than when I walked in is as important as any part of it. I wouldn't have understood that when I was younger. To quote a man of God who listened to me talk about deer hunting years ago over a cup of coffee, the woods are my cathedral. He knew nothing about hunting, but I don't think any truer words had ever been spoken about me. He completely understood how I felt.

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