Super 338 Build??

Elk Chaser

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
Great Falls, MT
So, I've been contemplating saving my pennies for a big rig and I think a souped up 338 (maybe 375) is in my future and I'm hoping to get some suggestions on a build. I'm probably 6-12 months from placing a firm order on a rifle but I would like suggestions on the components I would like. So far my build would look something like this -

-BAT Machine or Defiance single shot chey-tac action
-McM A5 stock
-Krieger or Lilja barrel (32-34" I guess???)
-Nightforce 5.5-22X56 w/ NPR-1 reticle
-Jewell trigger

I'm more than likely looking to do a 338 or 375 AM since I'd like to keep my business in state and especially with Kirby but looking for feedback on components for the build since I've got a little while to think about it. If anyone has any suggestions or tweaks to my idea of the "perfect" build please let me know. I'd really love to build a rifle like this but without regretting a decision or two. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!
Take a look at the Stiller actions and Bartlien barrels. either way sounds like you have a fine rifle planned. When I can scrape enough coin, I want to build a "big boy" gun too.
With a cheytac size case, remember that you will also need a new press, large dies, new trimmer, and all the other reloading stuff. That stuff can quickly add up to $800+. just another component to consider in the build.
For the brake, Kirby's painkiller is good, as is the Defensive Edge muscle brake, and I have also been wanting to try a APA Fat Bastard brake. There's a video of an 8yr old shooting a 338 lapua with the APA on YouTube!
I think you go and talk to Kirby and put him in the drivers seat and you'll get something that will blow you away!!
I think you go and talk to Kirby and put him in the drivers seat and you'll get something that will blow you away!!

That's really probably the best idea! As far as the Raptor action, that would ultimately be my first choice if they're offered for the chey-tac size case. The extra reloading equipment will have to be addressed but for now I'd just prefer to think about getting me a pretty new gun to play with:)
Fiftedriver was working on something on 338 x-caliber brass, between the the 338 ax and the 338 am. You might be interested, 300 smk @ 3200 out of 30'' think you can get it in a raptor, it on my wish listgun)
Well that certainly sounds like it could be a viable option for a real long range cannon! Good thing I have some time to think about what I'm doing before I decide what to do.
Here's my 2 bits.

I received my 375 AM in time to shoot 4 shots through it last thanksgiving. I then had to put it away until the spring of 2012 as I'm away from shooting and hunting until then. But that's a good thing.

Components are the same as yours except the bbl which is a Pac Nor 30" which seem quite sufficient.

I got a 270 AM from Kirby about 5 years ago. It was a less than a half MOA up to about 400 yds where the wind started whipping my butt.

I'm happy I went with the 375 AM because:

  • It shoots a 350gr pill the same speed as the 270 AM shoots a 195 gr pill.
  • It shoots the 350 gr pill as flat as the 270 AM shoots the 195 gr pill.
  • With the large PainKiller brake recoil is just noticeably more than the 270 AM
  • I can spot shots, easily, from 100 yds to 1K. The scope didn't move more than 10 MOA at the shot and settled on the divot after the shot. It WAS a big divot.
Its hard to beat the 338 AM (at the moment). I don't expect this situation to last long though. There WILL be some better offerings than the 350 SMK one of these first days. Lead core bullets, that is.:)

I'm happy with the decision to go with the 375 as now I don't have to look back regarding thumping power @ long range.

Oh, and BTW I use an RCBS Rockchucker press. Not a problem.

I get the components to Kirby and never expect to hear from him until the project is finished and its time to exchange green backs. I'd let him select the action, unless you already have the Bat. Two consecutive extremely good shooters from the same smith in extreme cartridges doesn't seem unexpected by any means.

Good luck on your decisions.
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