Bore Tech Eliminator


Active Member
Aug 3, 2013
milton freewater, or
I was in the market for a good bore cleaner, and after much research, ultimately landed on Bore Tech Eliminator. I also ordered a Teslong borescope at the same time. My cleaning process took about 30 minutes. I started with three wet patches, followed by 15 full-length brush strokes, then one dry patch. Repeat three times. The worst fouling on this gun was near the muzzle. Here's what I found.



I had a hard time deciding which bore cleaner to try because most advice is anecdotal. I thought I'd contribute these photos as one data point of Bore Tech's actual effectiveness.
That barrel looks like it was ready for some cleaning !! I also get the same results with the Bore Tech Solvent. I have used most everything else, but found the BTE worked best. It also won't run you out of the house with a horrible odor, and it is safe to leave in your barrel for a long time. In fact the instructions on the bottle tell you to leave a small amount in the bore for protection. You can't do that with any ammonia based solvent.

Also, great call on the Teslong bore scope. I have one, and it is the best $50 investment I have made in a long time. Everyone should have one.
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That barrel looks like it was ready for some cleaning !! I also get the same results with the Bore Tech Solvent. I have used most everything else, but found the BTE worked best. It also won't run you out of the house with a horrible odor, and it is safe to leave in your barrel for a long time. In fact the instructions on the bottle tell you to leave a small amount in the bore for protection. You can't do that with any ammonia based solvent.

Also, great call on the Teslong bore scope. I have one, and it is the best $50 investment I have made in a long time. Everyone should have one.
Yeah, she was fouled for sure. I put about 80 rounds down the tube at the last range session. It's interesting that the fouling progressively gets worse from breech to muzzle.

Yeah, $50 well spent for sure. It takes the guesswork out of any bore questions. I picked this gun up used and was happy to see that the barrel appears to have lots of life left in it. And no carbon ring.
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