Zeiss Conquest V4 Riflescope Field Test And Review: 6-24x50 Zmoa-1 & 4-16x44 Illuminated Zbr-2


Mar 6, 2008
Len Backus submitted a new Article:

Zeiss Conquest V4 Riflescope Field Test And Review: 6-24x50 Zmoa-1 & 4-16x44 Illuminated Zbr-2

Zeiss Conquest V4 Riflescope Field Test And Review: 6-24x50 Zmoa-1 & 4-16x44 Illuminated Zbr-2
By Mike Durocher

Unboxing of the Zeiss Conquest 6-24 and 4-16 V4’s was a treat to say the least! Packaging was very clean allowing easy access to the goodies inside. The packing of the scopes was very clean with form cut foam which securely held each 30mm scope tube. While allowing for easy removal from the packaging.

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