which scope for out to 1000


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
Well I am looking for the best scope . I have budgeted 1500.00. However that is movable if Need be. I am looking at the new vx-6 4x24 with tmoa or possibly a nightforce 8x32 nxs with the moar reticle. There is a big jump in price between the 2. Or how about the vx-6 7x42 with the tmoa reticle. At this point it's going to be going on my Rem 700 .243 vls. I am going for prairie dog 500 yd club , then the 1000 yd club . Lots of work to do I know. Got the gun, now I need the optics!
If I could afford a NF that is the route I would go. I've used one and they are great scopes.

Even though I can't afford one, I would have to agree with that. I've been told that buying a NF hurts; but after the initial shock and while on the range the hurt seems to vanish. :)
I do sometimes get a chance to shoot my son's rifle. He can afford that stuff.
I have one on my wish list. The MOAR reticle is perfect .....
I just bought a vx-6 4x24x52 6 months ago and am currently working up loads to get really dialed-in. I debated between NF and Leupold for a long time and money was not in the decision process. I was trying to build a long range 7MM Rem for hunting and my goal was to stay under 10lbs.

NF is a super great scope, but I am certainly impressed with the clarity and weight of the Leupold. If weight and money are not an issue then buy the NF.:)
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