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Which power Nightforce scope?

I have the Nightforce 5.5X22 with the NP3 reticle. I only shoot it to 450 yards(thats all our range goes to) The reticle is really fine. A little hard to pick and find compared to my Leopold 4.5X14 mill dot. Its Fine enough to shoot a 2 inch steel target at 300 yards.

I shoot a 12-42x56mm with an NP1-RR reticle. It works well for what I do - mainly 1K conventional LR, but occasional steel plinking. I like the comfort of being able to crank it up for LR varmints, or run it back down in case of heavy mirage. The reticle is FAR more user-friendly than mildots, IMHO.

The side parallax adjustment on the NXSs would be nice, but this works well so far & is quite a bit less expensive. All are rugged & have extremely clear optics. I don't think you'll go wrong with a Nightforce, just pick the one that suits your requirements!
have you tried the mirage tube from nightforce? i'm also interested in a 12-42x56 nightforce but have yet to decide on the standard with adjustable objective at $1,000 or the nxs version at $1300 but i definitely like the np1-rr reticle you have picked.

[ 11-05-2002: Message edited by: grandadmorgan ]

[ 11-05-2002: Message edited by: grandadmorgan ]
I would suggest you stay with the 5-22x or 3-15x NXS models, otherwise you will not have enough elevation adjustment to shoot out really far. Even if you won't be able to shoot past 1000 yards wouldn't it be nice to have the ability just in case you ever do?

Yes, I tried one of the mirage tubes a buddy had on hand. It fit on the objective just fine, but gave a funky oval shaped image that I really didn't care for. I already had a hole drilled horizontally through the front of the tapered base & made my own mirage band out of a 2" wide piece of black elastic that's attached to the front sight base & the hole with a fan pull chain. It works fine & I've got about a dollar invested in it.

sr - it depends on your caliber & the type of base you have. I have a 20MOA base & am only @ 10MOA off bottom at 1,000. I do like the looks of the NXSs, but, like grandad, cost was a factor in addition to liking the extra magnification. I'd be interested in playing with one of the NXSs though....
I like my scopes to be able to come down to 100 or 200 yards myself so I like a lot of elevation travel.
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